I’m an addict.

No, I don’t have a sexual addiction and I’m not addicted to alcohol, illegal drugs, or prescription medicine. And I’m not going to deliver a clever punch line, like: “I’m addicted to studying the Bible or prayer.”

Truth is, many of us are addicted. Some addictions are frowned upon and therefore hidden behind locked doors to suffer alone. Others often go unmentioned, and sometimes are even readily accepted as socially acceptable. But all addictions are limiting and keep us from the full life God has in store for us. Christ came to offer us freedom from our additions, but giving up bad habits is hard.

Addicted (verb) ~ to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively. What are some personal addictions you may know of that destroy relationships, quality of life, and the drive the addict to do things he or she know is destructive? You might have one of the more commonly accepted addictions. For example: • You might be addicted to pleasing people. • You might be addicted to perfection. • You might be addicted to technology: Ipods, cell phones, IM, etc. • You might be addicted to more: more stuff or simply more than others have • You might be addicted to work. • You might be addicted to sports. • You might be addicted to accomplishments. • You might be addicted to pleasing  your children.

What’s your addiction?



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