Balance  (n):  The difference in magnitude between opposing forces or influences.


Sometimes churches can become so mired down in achieving balance that it loses it way. Mission gives way to harmony and balance is elevated as the greatest good, but a quick study of the gospel’s reveals that Jesus’ ministry was anything but balanced!


                            “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”                     John 14:6



“I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do.” John 17:4


We as a church have been given a mission, which is not to make everyone happy until they enter the judgment only to have them despair because they never knew what God expected of them. We are called to transform lives, to restore the brokenness to wholeness, and to light a candle in the darkness.


This weekend with Tom Bandy has helped tremendously clarify what it means to be part of a church, to be committed to discipleship and leadership, and the little things we do that sometimes compromise the passion, purpose, and potential.


What did you learn this weekend that changed the way you think about the church, yourself, and your commitment to Christ?

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