I'm not really a big one for resolutions. Usually because I make loft commitments that I think sound good on paper, but which I really don't intend to keep. Still if you don't make any resolutions then you are either
(1) Perfect - I don't need to change anything and everyone else can learn from watching me. I'm definately not in this category.
Solution: My flaws and goofs are laid out for everyone to see and God knows I'm not where I want to be. Be thank God I'm not where I use to be.
(2) I've given up -- What's the use? I'm constantly failing, so why put myself through the disappointment of setting lofty goals that I know will never be met? I'm not smart enough, talented enough, spiritual enough to make a difference. I just don't care anymore.
Solution: Imagine the end state if you could change something. What would it be like if you could lose 10-20 lbs, if you were to read a classic novel [Tale of Two Cities for example], or got involved in new ministry or social project? Apathy is alway overcome by vision and dreamers.
Here is my list of resolutions that I've been praying about and which I hope you will hold me accountable.
Spiritual Renewal -- Read through the Bible in a year, pray everyday.
Personal Renewal -- No more complaining. Complaints are a cancer I can do without.
Physical Renewal -- 25 situp everyday and basketball when I can.
Heart Renewal -- give thanks in prayer 10 minutes every day and fast once a month.
I don't know what your resolutions are or if you've given up on them completely, but I believe that if I can keep these important changes, my life, my character, my relationships, my attitude about life will be
significantly improved.
If I should slide on some of them, well I'll learn from the mistake and just try again. Because I know I still have a long way to go and I really do want to get there. So the journey begins with the desire to make a difference, starting with me!
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