Lectio Divina
Today's Reading is from Isaiah 6:1-8
Take time to read the passage 3 times.
What words, phrases, or images from the text jump off the page to you.
What "me" phrases are filling your life today?
Isaiah had a God shaped vision that changed his life. The seraphs were crying, "the whole earth is filled with your glory." When I need a God shaped vision, I need only look around me as all creation cries out to the Lord. But this vision of majesty and awe was meant to move Isaiah to let go of his fear and self-absorption and respond "Send me"
Many times in my life I'm consumed with a what's-in-it-for-me attitude and think less about the send me part. In the presence of God there can be no masters but ONE.
so many times we get stuck in the "woe is me" state that we never move to the "send me" state. But when we truly believe that our lives have been healed and atoned for, out guilt taken away, how can we not share that with our friends.
Action: Today I will move past the "woe is me" look at all have I to do and how small and insignficant I am, to see God's glory in all creation and stand up to say, "Send ME!"Email Subscription: