It's easy to think that God's not listening--especially when you've been praying for "one special request" longer than you can remember. When the nights seem endless and the days a struggle of uncertainty, you look to the heaven for some sign of direction, hope, and protection. What can we do when we're waiting for an answer from God?
Don't be discouraged! Here's what He says about prayer...
Pray Boldly -- God wants us to approach Him with confidence [Hebrews 4:16]. Imagine starting a prayer by saying, "I know you probably won't do this, but I thought I'd ask anyway..." Would anyone be moved by such an expression. When the disciples told Jesus about Lazarus, they referred to Lazarus as "the one you love has fallen asleep". The disciples knew they could ask because of Jesus' love. We know we can ask because we too are the ones Jesus loves.
Pray Often -- God desires a relationship with us. [1 Thessalonians 5:17]. Having a strong relationship requires more than just asking when there is an emergency, begging when you have no where else to turn, or simply hoping for the best. If you want to know the heart of God, it takes time. Share with God the joys of your day, the blessings you've received but did not ask for, and for the expressions of love you've received.
If you don't feel the warmth when the sun in out, don't expect to see a rainbow when it's raining.
Pray in Faith -- He is able and willing [Mark 11:24-26]. Faith is having certainty in thing unseen, being sure of things not yet received. We know that the doubt and anxiety we experience is not that God doesn't care or is indifferent, but that our emotions have taken over. The Bible was written to be an example of God's love througn the ages and to give us courage & confidence [Rm 15:4]
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