With so much going on it’s hard to see Easter as anything more than just another holiday, another family dinner, or another harbinger of spring. But Easter was never meant to be just a spiritual bump on the road to self-fulfillment, it was meant to be a whole new road.
Easter is the perfect time to rethink the road you’re on, where it’s leading, and whether it’s where you want to go. We’re all natural born travelers, but since we’re not homing pigeons, we don’t have a natural sense of direction or internal GPS. We know we’re moving through stages in our lives, we’re just not sure we know where we are and where we’re going. Easter is a signpost inviting us to get our bearings and travel a new way to a new place to live a new kind of life. Now I realize there’s a lot that’s “new” about Easter which may turn some travelers off and make some staunch religious folks angry. It always has and always will. But the One who has travelled this way before gave us clues about what we might expect. His name is
Jesus and his story is nothing less than miraculous.
Easter is His story and His invitation to experience life as it was meant to be. As a Church community we are committed to travel the road God has prepared for us, share the joys and burdens common to travelers, and marvel at the wonders and surprises that lie ahead. Easter is a defining moment in your life when you must choose to stay in the rush hour traffic going nowhere in particular or take a chance and trust God’s plan.
Movement without meaning leads to frustration. So if this letter finds you travelling down a bumpy road filled with frustration and anxiety, Easter is your invitation to discover a whole new way of living.
Happy Easter!
“For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country” Mt 25:14
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