Commit to regular worship attendance
You will not stay on the journey very long if you're not committed to its purpose. Worship is about recognizing and responding to God's extravagant grace. Worship unites us, strengthens us, and inspires us to live life to the fullest. Without worship we end up as selfish little clods struggling to understand with why the world is not making us happy.
- Discipleship Growth [prayer, Bible Study, small group accountability]
Active participation in at least two (2) ministries within a calendar year.
By getting involved and using your spiritual gifts you are following the example of Christ, and fulfilling your commitment to serve others. Everyone can and should serve somewhere and somehow.
- Inviting and sharing your faith journey with others and build up the Body of Christ
Significant financial support of the goals and ministries of the church [Matthew 6:21]
If you really want to know where a person's heart is, look at what they support. "Where your treasure is ...."
Commitment to pursue spiritual growth and personal discipleship
Make a commitment to know and grow in Kingdom Values. Take full advantage of Bible studies, prayer groups, Sunday school, mission opportunities, to be transformed "until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ" Ephesians 4:13