Every year about this time our church becomes a buzz of activity. People from all over converge like salmon to do their part in a ritual that goes back to before I was born. Walls that were once bare, cold and empty are virtually blossom with color, action and above all life. Of course I'm talking about VBS - the scourge of the Pharisees, a frivolous waste of money for Scribes and tax collectors but an exhilaration and life sharing experience for disciples of Jesus.
I'll leave it to the reader to determine where you feel most comfortable.
I think it's important to recognize that people from every denomination and in every state, at least that I'm aware of, invest their time, talents and treasures to share God, faith and church in this quirky, carnival like atmosphere. Of course this in no way implies that the message is some sort of side-show, on the contrary, it reaffirms that our message can be spoken in every kind of language, with any kind of tune, and to any age. Our message is the universal message of the soul.
So why do we do it? Why do these "saints-in-training" give their hearts away in this transformative way?
Well I think there are three primary reasons people step forward to help.
We do it …
For Them – We believe every Child deserves a chance to experience, explore and embrace God's love in and among God's people. When children see real life men and women living, working and playing as disciples, they are encouraged to trust God's dream for their lives too. They deserve to have a place where people give generously of the time, talents and treasure because they believe in sharing the greatest treasure of all, Jesus' love and grace. VBS is just a part of this life-gift to our children and our response to God's love in our lives.
For Us- We believe that as real-life disciples of Jesus we must remain active or our faith will atrophy. We have already surrendered our comfort and convenience to join with God in transforming a world in turmoil.
We need these opportunities to stand up, shake the dust off and be counted, to kneel and serve with gratitude, and to stretch and discover the Power of God working through us. VBS is exactly what Jesus had in mind when he said,
"Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belong the kingdom of God."
Matthew 19:14.
For God- When we share God's message in the language of childrenese, God smiles. When we invite excited children to discover for themselves God heart, God rejoices. When we let God work in and through us, God's love overflows. Our prayer is that all that we do this week will be pleasing to God, Creator, Sustainer, Savior.
That's why.

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