A great deal of our culture and lifestyle is driven by Greed. Greed in our world is a very strong desire and is changes who we are! And you know what? It’s always been like that, since the beginning of time. Nearly 2000 years ago Jesus was teaching to a crowd of people who were following Him on this very subject. Read about here: Matthew 6:19-34 (NIV)
Materialism, Greed and Affluence have the ability to blind it's victims to its presence and power. We almost never believe it applies to us, but almost always see it in others. Jesus speaks more about the paralyzing power of money than any other topic. Why is that?
Materialism is insidious in its ability to work its way into your life and take away the joy of everything you already have and drive you to possess what you don't need. Stewardship forces break some habit by revealing the power money has over us, why it has the power, and then giving us a way to break free.
Our Stewardship focus aimed at helping you create a lifestyle pleasing to God, rich in healthy relationship, and bearing the fruit of wisdom and maturity. Everything else is less than our very best and God's desire.
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The awareness of my own selfishness, along with my habits of self gratification is most powerfully observed in my insatiable desire to ‘purchase’ new stuff. Even though I know that it can not and will not suffice I am driven to possess that which I do not have.
Thank you for reminding us that ‘His grace is sufficient’. To pursue anything else cheapens the gift of God’s grace to us; which is freely given!
Unlike most other sins, Greed covers its tracks. Almost nobody thinks of themselves as rich and therefore very few deal with the issue of greed. Greed is like an addiction to possessions and affluence. We feel good when we buy something new, but nobody really thinks of themselves as an addict. Yet for most of the Western Consumer oriented culture, that’s exactly what we are.
Are we all just playing out the parable of the Rich Young Ruler found in Luke 18:18
Looks Good