Here's my top 10.
(10) Re-gifting. (giving the gift nobody wants to people we don't like) (9) The need for bigger, better, faster gadits. (I still love them anyway!) (8) Unrealistic commercials (How many people do you really know who wrap a new car in a bow for their girlfriend for Christmas?) (7) People who compare themselves to Martha Stewart Living (Ever wonder who she compare herself too?) (6) People who complain they don't have enough time (what makes you think you're any different from the rest of us?) (5) People who overspend and know they're doing it (is this the first sign of the acquisition addiction?) (4) People who celebrate Christmas but have never bother to asked "why?" (Its like our American freedoms and neglecting those who died to provide them.) (3) Pressure to find the perfect 'thing' to represent love. (I can't afford diamonds anymore!) (2) Trying to be everything, to everyone, all of the time. (Christmas is about the sights, smells and stink of a barnyard, not the tranquility of Currier & Ives or serenity of Norman Rockwell. They're painters not psychologists!) (1) People who sing Silent Night while looking at their watch! (I don't know what to say about this one....)Are there any you like to add....
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…”what drives me crazy about Christmas” listed from the most irritating to the least, although each and all are irritating in their own right and truly cannot be viewed linearly…
(1) …that some people, not enough people say, “Thanks,” not to each other but to God for the gift of His Son…that some people, not enough people say, “Thanks” to the Son for choosing to come to earth in human form and for choosing to die on the cross for each human…
(2) …that too many people do not understand and/or believe in the preciousness of the gift of prayer…
(3) …that the Christmas spirit, as the author Charles Dickens spoke through Scrooge and Tiny Tim in the “Christmas Carol,” is not kept in each person’s heart and practiced the other 364 days of the year…
(4) …that so many have never met the Christmas spirit…and…sadly, never will…
(5) …that far too many people do not know and cannot recite the Christmas story…and…far worse…do not know that the Christmas story can be both found and read in the Bible…
(6) …that some parents drink on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day getting so drunk that they not only do not remember Christmas, missing precious memories, but that they, in the drunkenness, “abuse” all those present, filling them with memories that, rather than remembering, they try so hard to forget…
(7) …that, in the spirit of Christmas, some people push, shove, and knock their fellow man to the ground and/or into something or someone for the sake of taking the latest toy, gadget, etc. home to be placed under their Christmas tree and given to someone in the spirit of love and kindness…
(8) …that some people spell “Christmas” — “Xmas”…attempting, if, in no other way than symbolically, to take Christ out of Christmas…
(9) …that anyone ever wrote the lyrics and created the song, “Grandma Got Run over by a Reindeer”…
(10) …that it is no longer “the thought that counts,” but the amount on the price-tag…
(11) …that some parents choose to no longer teach their children the concept of frugality mixed with patience and an understanding that they can’t tell and demand from their parents what they want and what they must do in order to please the child(children) and make them love them — it’s almost as if the parents are being forced, for whatever reason, to “buy” the love and respect of their children…
(12) …that some parents of young children try to orchestrate the order and manner in which those young and very excited children open their presents on Christmas morning…
…and although I listed twelve things that “drive me crazy about Christmas” and probably, with more thought, I could think of others, let me not be like the “some people” I referenced in #1, “…above all, Father, Christmas is about what You did, out of love, for each and all of us…not, in any way about me…but all about You and Your most perfect and undeserved gift…Thank You, Father, for Your Son, Emmanuel.”