Description "Scott Wilcher’s timely book, "The Orphaned Generation," unpacks the ways adults (including senior adults) can reconnect with the hearts of the young. I recommend it strongly to every church leader and every adult in the church." --Richard Ross, PhD, student-ministry professor at Southwestern Seminary,
Excerpts of "The Orphaned Generation" are available at
The solution to the departure of young people from your church is relational, not organizational. Are your programs connecting youth and young adults to your adult congregation? Are your adults initiating relationships with the young people in and around your church?
A pastor can tell an adult congregation all day, "Reach out to young people. Reach out to young people!" But until your congregation begins to see young people with the mind of Christ, it will behave as it always has. However, if it begins to approach the mind of Christ, it will behave VERY differently and young people will notice.
That's what this book does. It renews the way you think; it doesn't tell you how to behave. And it is working!
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