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My Crazy Christmas Family
We all have them, family members that cling desperately to the family tree you're just positive dropped from a high branch at one time or another. We all have those crazy uncles, aunts or cousins that we just don't talk about much, but you know they're part of your gene pool. And if you can't think of anyone, guess what, you're probably the one they're all thinking about!
In the Christmas story Cousin John doesn't get a lot of conversation. We don't mind talking about idyllic shepherds, majestic Angels, regal wisemen, innocent and vulnerable Mary and even evil King Herod. But John....well not much.
Yet John's prophetic announcement comes before Jesus' and John's ministry heralds the coming of Jesus, so why all the silence. Because John is not cute and cuddly and his message of repentance for the forgiveness of sin doesn't fit in well in our nativity sets. Couldn't John just tone it down a bit and be more sensitive to his audience? John demands to be heard and we silence his message at Christmas to our peril. Ignore John and we must ignore Jesus!
Is John part of your Christmas Family?
Sermon Notes 12.18.11 My Crazy Christmas Family
Advent Readings 2011 wk4