As we step into the flow of God’s story, I feel there is a growing excitement that God is moving us, shaping and equipping us to live beyond the ordinary. We are, after all, extraordinary when we live in the Spirit of Christ. I feel energized by the momentum that is sweeping through the church by all the exciting steps taken in 2011, rustling the leaves of what lies head of us and warming the faith that lies within us.
I hope and pray that this will be a year of Reconciliation, where hearts are mended and where forgiveness and compassion lead effortlessly to serving others.
2012 will be the Centennial year for FUMC. It will be a time to celebrate what was, regain the vision and courage to build what will be and dedicate ourselves to once again be a church worth dying for.
May the Lord bless you and keep you, May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you His peace.

Steve Gedon
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