What would you like to improve Spiritually about your life this year?
Unless we think and consider such questions, the future will always be a surprise and an annoying inconvenience. I suppose there will be some that would rather not consider these things, but then maybe we're becoming Apatheist after all.
Apatheist - one who believe there is a God, but doesn't care about the impact of such a statement. Indifferent to God.
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How can you choose just one?
Why would you want to choose just one?
Shouldn’t you want, desire, and “hunger and thirst” to improve each and all as much as you can, not just in a year but in each and every day of all the years that you are gifted to call your life?
And isn’t it possible, likely, and, most assuredly, definitively probable that the answer to improving your spiritual life lies in the reading and studying, knowing and living of God’s Holy Word…the Bible?
I may die tomorrow. For that matter, I could die this minute, this second. Shouldn’t I strive to be as holy as I can be every second and every minute of every day in every week and every month of any and every year of my life?
But first I have to not only realize, but accept as Truth, the fact that I cannot become more spiritual on my own. I can only become more spiritual by surrendering all that I am to God and allowing Him to improve and grow my spirituality. I can’t do it; only He can.
I have to choose God; I have to let go of me, I have to let me be molded by God, I have to willingly and joyfully relinquish control of my life to Him; I have to let go of the “star of my own ego.”
How easy yet how difficult.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.”
The journey through the Narrow Gate into the kingdom of God begins with the words, “God, ‘I surrender all.'”