Church means many different things to many people. To some it is an event, a building, an organization, a place on the map, a charity, and a group of people. When we actually consider getting involved in "a church" we are bombarded by all kinds of internal questions: What will I get out of this? Am I being fed? Am I like these people? Can I fit it in to an already overloaded schedule? Do I need this?
The Lord's Supper speak to us at the fundamental level of the church's identity. It establishes who we are, why we're here and what it means to be part of the church. To skip the Lord's Supper is to skip out on God's Invitation to a whole new reason for living!
At First United Methodist Church the Lord's Supper is celebrated every month to bind us together in our common pursuit of the Christ life growing in us!
Worship 02.12.12 Lord's Supper
Sermon Notes 02.12.12 Lord's Supper
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