I had to take my car into the garage last week for a tune-up. It was running very rough and wouldn't even idle when in gear, which meant I had to put it in neutral every time I came to a stoplight or traffic slowed down. What a pain! I think it was actually misfiring on one of the cylinders which made it seem like I was driving a tractor down the highway. When I took it into the garage, they asked me a few basic questions like 'what sounds is it making', 'how is it driving' and 'when did you first notice the problem.' Of course I already knew there was a problem, I just really didn't know where and I need their help and experience. After a few tests they dug into the engine and found that one of the spark plugs was cracked and not firing properly. Think about this for a minute, a small two dollar spark plug, easily replaced, was draining the whole car of its power and purpose and making it miserable to drive.
Do you feel like your getting no where in life, drained of power and purpose, anxious about the future and, not to take the analogy too far, not firing on all cylinders? What do you say we do some diagnostics on your spiritual life shall we?
First of all I'm making an assumption here that the reader knows who Jesus is according to the Bible, has accepted Jesus' challenge to "Come, follow me" as a disciple, and is in the 'process' of becoming a new person as part of the Body of Christ which is the Church. I know that sounds like a lot, but it is fundamental to the three questions that are to follow.
We could not, for example, run the same diagnostics on a car that we would on a airplane or a locomotive. Even though they all have engines, they are totally different in their purpose, design and function. We have to know whether or not we are living the same kind of spiritual life, the same awakening, before we diagnose it's health.
OK, so you're a Christian. Great! Now let's dig into the heart of the matter...
Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (10 being outstanding)
How well are you following through on this most fundamental life principle?
Am I in love with Christ? (i.e. open, honest, intimate, solitude, unashamed)
Am I growing stronger in Christ? (i.e. in wisdom, forgiveness, discernment, confidence)
Am I reflecting more of Christ? (i.e. daily, everywhere to everyone, calm, contented, confident)
"Faith is like electricity. You cannot see it, but its power bring light and warmth to to the soul." ~ S. Gedon see Dietrich Bonhoeffer's description of

How well is the Christ-life shaping your attitudes and expectations?
Am I more grateful? (worshipful, humbled, surrendered, forgiving)
Am I more generous? (willingly, abundantly, joyfully)
Am I more gregarious? (outgoing, joyful, enthusiastic, optimistic)
How is the Christ-life experienced by those around you?
Am I more Compassionate? (caring, empathetic, aware)
Am I more of a servant? (connected, engaged, doer, surrendered)
Am I more engaged with people? (outside the church, poor, marginalized, broken)
"We either add to the darkness of indifference ... or we light a candle to see by." -- Madeleine L'Engle
Eventually my car got fixed with only a few a minor repair, but I know that I must continue to check the oil regularly, tire pressure and look for subtle clues that things are not quite right before something big jumps up and bites me with a huge repair bill. Remember the old adage,
"an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
Perhaps if we do just a little self-evaluation every now and then in our spiritual lives perhaps we can avoid a major breakdown later on. When all cylinders are firing we really can have a Christian walk with Christ that is as full, vibrant and taking up places and seeing things we never knew possible.
In the next few weeks I will outline a few steps to help get us back on track if you're feeling like you're spiritual engine is idling a bit rough. As long as the spark is still there, the engine can be tuned to perfection. Look for it and share your thoughts.
Was this helpful to your spiritually? What additional questions, problems or concerns did it raise?
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