"The kingdom of heaven is not for the well meaning but for the desperate." -- James Denney
“Peter replied, "Master, to whom would we go? You have the words of real life, eternal life. We've already committed ourselves, confident that you are the Holy One of God." John 6:68
We live in a world of well meaning Christians, people who love to discuss how awesome the latest YouTube video is, tweet about the hottest new books by the rising stars on discipleship, or email about the latest avant garde trends in emerging church studies. What we lack a honest sense of our own emptiness when the chatter stops. Chatter is an effective means of keeping spirituality in the abstract when Jesus is practical.
When all has been said is there more being done, when all the theories have been considered are we more compassionate or just more puffed up, when we possess more books than all the early church leaders combined are we more of community or more of a library.
In John chapter 6 Jesus asks his disciples (and you too if you consider yourself a disciple) are you going to follow me or leave with the crowd? My way is going to challenge you to your very core about who you are and who you can become, while their way will be easy, entertaining and empty. Peter responds with the following affirmation of his life's journey as he understands it:
- Real life - Starts Here! Jesus invites us to a new kind of living based on commitment and confidence. Jesus transforms our perspective from one of self-indulgence to one of self-giving. We need to make room for more of God by getting rid of more of our life of power and pride. This new life is a process in becoming something more than human appetites! So tell me, how is God's life working through you today in your homes, workplace and community? (describe it to me)
- I'm committed - to serve. Don't just talk about it, do it. Jesus modeled this new life when he washed the disciples feet and said “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” (John 13:15) Whose feet are you washing? I know it sounds disgusting, but the word here is commitment not convenience. (describe to me how you've set aside your convenience because of your commitment to serve others.)
- I'm Confident - even when I don't understand. There are times when we don't know the why or the wherefore of our calling, but we're confident God is working in us, with us and through us to bring healing, help and hope to those we serve. Even when we're not experts, God blesses our two mites of talents, grows them and uses them to do more than we can imagine. (describe where you feel God is leading you in you mission field. Remember this should always be a stretch and therefore faith building)
If you're more desperate for God and for His mission than reading about it, watching it or considering it, my only advice is to Get in the Game!
Christianity is not for the well intentioned but for the desperate.

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