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Beyond the Walls
For the most part we already know the basics of the Easter story. What I mean is we know the timeline. Palm Sunday is followed by the Lord's Supper (although we may not call it Maundy Thursday or know that it is derived from the Latin "mandatum" for command. Check out John 13:34 to see why) followed by Good Friday and then Easter.
If we jump to Easter so soon we'll lose the significance of this day for us personally and for the world. Because of Easter you always have faith to believe in the impossible (Phil 4:13), you have hope that despite all outward appearances God is doing something (Rom 8:39) and that love is often found through the tears not despite them.
Join the discuss as we look past the walls that confine, imprison and isolate us from the great Story God is given to us to live, enjoy and share. Are you living beyond your wildest imagination? That's the real Easter Story...
Based on John 20:1-18
Sermon Notes 04.08.12 Beyond the Walls Easter
Sermon Slides: Worship 04.08.12 Easter Beyond the Walls
bulletin04.08.12 L Easter Sunday
bulletin04.08.12 E Easter Sunday
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