I think everyone should have an "I believe" statement. It's a place to collect your values, your priorities and your goals. Every cause produces and effect, every effect is looking for its cause. Be more of a cause in your life than an effect.I have found that most people are happy just being an effect so long as the effect is manageable and not too painful. The advantage to this position is that your don't have to take responsibility for it all, life just sort of happens to you. It's like the elections, love them or hate them, people would prefer not to vote so they can complain about who's in office and what a terrible job their doing. By voting you become part of the cause and have some, although slight, responsibility. In order to do this right let me suggest 3 key steps that are essential to determining your core beliefs. There may be more you will find helpful, but you won't get far without passing through these stations.(1) Faith - you must at some level believe there is a God and that God has a plan for you life. Without this basic, fundamental belief everything, including your belief system, is meaningless and without value. For people who don't take the time to think through their values, goals and beliefs, there is perhaps at their core a dis-belief that God cares and wants something more for their lives. Think about is - why spend the time and effort to create core beliefs if you believe there's nothing to believe in! (see Jeremiah 29:11 for inspiration)(2) Solitude - noise, busyness and distractions are the greatest temptations of our generation. People have stopped being deep thinkers and we've almost given up completely on contemplation. We run, we consume and we plan until we're empty, burned out and divorced from life, joy and people. Unless you're willing to spend some time in silence listening to your own heart, asking yourself painful questions, and growing comfortable with the answers, you'll never want to go much deeper.“In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness.” ~Mahatma Gandhi(3) Hope - hope is the strength to pursue some noble goal at which others only scoff. Hope is a God-given virtues that is like the fire that warms the heart to endless possibilities, it is passion that sees beyond the morning fog, and resolve to make it happen. Without hope, you probably wouldn't have gotten this far. (see Philippians 4:13 for inspiration)Beliefs are refined over time but their roots run deep into your heart. All you're really doing is asking why does my heart leap at the idea of something and collapse at the prospect of others.When you know what you believe, you can then begin to align your life according to how God has wired you. Avoid energy and joy-stealing activities and engage in projects that make you stretch and grow.Please share some of your core beliefs and in the future I'll post on Values, and Goals!
In one of her sonnets, Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote the famous and oft-quoted lines:
“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.”
Looking at just the first two sentences, at least to me, suggests the listing and, thus, the counting of innumerable and ad infinitum numbers in the same fashion as attempting to count the stars, each of which God knows by name, and/or to count the grains of sand, which God referenced when telling Abraham that he would be the “father of nations.”
…so…it isn’t any wonder, when choosing to respond to this post’s writer’s challenge to list our core beliefs, that my mind should light initially on the two hundred-year-old challenge: “How do I love? Let me count the ways”; or that I should recognize in those first two sentences the fact that with the changing of a couple of words, that quatrain cannot only suggest that my core beliefs are numerous but also the “depth and breadth and height” to which they reach within both my heart and “my soul.”
I believe…
…in the Trinity;
…that the Bible is God’s most holy Word divinely inspired and written by the prophets;
…by faith, that Christ died on the cross and rose from the tomb and that by His grace, and not my works, I am saved;
…that I am a most grievous sinner, deserving of nothing but given everything in and through God’s gift of grace and His Son, Jesus, the Christ;
…that “God is good all the time; all the time, God is good”;
…that “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me”;
…in Romans 8:18;
…in Proverbs 3: 5-6;
…that there is a heaven, as promised by God, and that there is a hell of our own making;
…that there is life-after-death;
…in prayer and its power;
…that the Spirit indwells my heart, guiding, directing, inspiring, and enlightening;
…in forgiveness of sins and my need and command to forgive;
…that “God has a purpose for my life”;
…that “I am a new creation in Christ”;
…in stewardship — not just of money, but, more importantly, of all of God’s creation and all life, therein;
…that, on my own, I cannot read and understand God’s Holy Word but that I need the Spirit for such comprehension and that I need to “sit at the feet,” as did Paul and the disciples, of the most creditable and “bestest” of teachers;
…that no matter where I am and/or what I am doing, God expects me to live-out His Great Commission;
…in and choose to live the Great and New Commandment;
…in living in hope and being hope-filled; in being optimistic, not pessimistic; in seeing the “good,” not the “bad”; in finding God — His gifts, His love, and His grace in all things and all people;
…in being an encourager;
…in love — its healing power and in the sharing of it in numerous and varied ways to friends and family and total strangers;
…in random acts of kindness;
…in saying, “Thank you” often and most genuinely and sincerely — to God, especially, and to others;
…in smiles;
…in hugs;
…in the healing and helping power of listening;
…in asking questions rather than judging without knowing;
…that there are times when a person’s presence is more helpful and healing than words;
…that some things and some feelings cannot be captured in and described by words;
…that God loves and likes me;
…that I need to love and like me;
…that I need and must grow and be grown to know me;
…might my list of core beliefs, if I were to continue, double, triple, quadruple in length? Yes.
…so…borrowing from Miss Elizabeth…
“[What do I believe]? Let me count [one and each].
I [believe much] to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.”
…but…as with so many things in the course of this journey called “life,” nothing really can stand alone; each and all things are part of a bigger whole; are the sum total of all its parts. My list of beliefs represent my choosing from and assimilating into the person called me all the influences others, whomever and for however long, have had on me — God, the Spirit, the Bible, parents, friends, family, teachers, pastors, writers, the list, as with the list of my beliefs, could continue on and on.
…so to many I say, “Thank you for gifting me with you so that pieces of you are part of the puzzle called me.”
…and…”Thank you” to a pastor whom I know, whose heart for and knowledge of God and His Word, wrote and prioritized the Core Values in which I believe and by which I gauge every one of my actions and reactions and by which I live every minute of every day of my life:
Live in gratitude.
Lead with grace.
Learn in fellowship.
Link in community.
Love in service.
In one of her sonnets, Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote the famous and oft-quoted lines:
“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.”
Looking at just the first two sentences, at least to me, suggests the listing and, thus, the counting of innumerable and ad infinitum numbers in the same fashion as attempting to count the stars, each of which God knows by name, and/or to count the grains of sand, which God referenced when telling Abraham that he would be the “father of nations.”
…so…it isn’t any wonder, when choosing to respond to this post’s writer’s challenge to list our core beliefs, that my mind should light initially on the two hundred-year-old challenge: “How do I love? Let me count the ways”; or that I should recognize in those first two sentences the fact that with the changing of a couple of words, that quatrain cannot only suggest that my core beliefs are numerous but also the “depth and breadth and height” to which they reach within both my heart and “my soul.”
I believe…
…in the Trinity;
…that the Bible is God’s most holy Word divinely inspired and written by the prophets;
…by faith, that Christ died on the cross and rose from the tomb and that by His grace, and not my works, I am saved;
…that I am a most grievous sinner, deserving of nothing but given everything in and through God’s gift of grace and His Son, Jesus, the Christ;
…that “God is good all the time; all the time, God is good”;
…that “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me”;
…in Romans 8:18;
…in Proverbs 3: 5-6;
…that there is a heaven, as promised by God, and that there is a hell of our own making;
…that there is life-after-death;
…in prayer and its power;
…that the Spirit indwells my heart, guiding, directing, inspiring, and enlightening;
…in forgiveness of sins and my need and command to forgive;
…that “God has a purpose for my life”;
…that “I am a new creation in Christ”;
…in stewardship — not just of money, but, more importantly, of all of God’s creation and all life, therein;
…that, on my own, I cannot read and understand God’s Holy Word but that I need the Spirit for such comprehension and that I need to “sit at the feet,” as did Paul and the disciples, of the most creditable and “bestest” of teachers;
…that no matter where I am and/or what I am doing, God expects me to live-out His Great Commission;
…in and choose to live the Great and New Commandment;
…in living in hope and being hope-filled; in being optimistic, not pessimistic; in seeing the “good,” not the “bad”; in finding God — His gifts, His love, and His grace in all things and all people;
…in being an encourager;
…in love — its healing power and in the sharing of it in numerous and varied ways to friends and family and total strangers;
…in random acts of kindness;
…in saying, “Thank you” often and most genuinely and sincerely — to God, especially, and to others;
…in smiles;
…in hugs;
…in the healing and helping power of listening;
…in asking questions rather than judging without knowing;
…that there are times when a person’s presence is more helpful and healing than words;
…that some things and some feelings cannot be captured in and described by words;
…that God loves and likes me;
…that I need to love and like me;
…that I need and must grow and be grown to know me;
…might my list of core beliefs, if I were to continue, double, triple, quadruple in length? Yes.
…so…borrowing from Miss Elizabeth…
“[What do I believe]? Let me count [one and each].
I [believe much] to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.”
…but…as with so many things in the course of this journey called “life,” nothing really can stand alone; each and all things are part of a bigger whole; are the sum total of all its parts. My list of beliefs represent my choosing from and assimilating into the person called me all the influences others, whomever and for however long, have had on me — God, the Spirit, the Bible, parents, friends, family, teachers, pastors, writers, the list, as with the list of my beliefs, could continue on and on.
…so to many I say, “Thank you for gifting me with you so that pieces of you are part of the puzzle called me.”
…and…”Thank you” to a pastor whom I know, whose heart for and knowledge of God and His Word, wrote and prioritized the Core Values in which I believe and by which I gauge every one of my actions and reactions and by which I live every minute of every day of my life:
Live in gratitude.
Lead with grace.
Learn in fellowship.
Link in community.
Love in service.