Summer offers us something no other season can: Perspective. During the summer months we plan for family vacations, reunions, outdoor activities and a chance to look back at all we've done and ask if it was all worth it. Each month we celebrate Holy communion for the same reasons: Perspective. Through the Lord's Supper we get a glimpse of God's love for us, we're encouraged to release the past with all its fears and failures and receive the new future God has for us in Christ. Each month we center our lives on what God offers us as a family. We need to be reminded and to celebrate before we're overtaken by the painful memories of the past and never learn of the joy of the future. 1 Corinthians 11:17-32Worship 6.03.12 Holy CommunionSermon Notes 06.03.12 The Promise of SummerAudio FilesHoly Communion Revealed 6.3.12eHoly Communion Revealed 6.3.12L