“There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.” ~Celia Thaxter

Summer is a time of reflection and renewal. There is more sunshine, more family time and more time to live on purpose. During the summer our thoughts turn toward what’s really important to us not just what is urgent. We take more time to consider what we’re doing rather than how fast. Along with our pilgrimage to the beach and summer cookouts, there are a number of other things that can be said about summer:
  • some days will be hot and humid
  • kids will start getting bored much sooner than they should
  • more families will escape the ruts and routines
  • and fewer people will be worried about their church.
All of its good — especially the part about the church. Why aren’t people worried about the church? Because they planned ahead. They know that like any other commitment, their church has pretty predictable costs, and so they planned ahead. They realized that their church relies on their continued support to meet needs of our growing ministries, and so with conviction they planned ahead. Many in our church realized that there would be days, weeks, maybe even months when they’d be away from our fellowship, and so they planned ahead. They discovered that in this modern world, there are lots of creative ways to support their church even when they’re gone, and so they planned ahead. Some of them have taken advantage of our Automatic ACH and arranged for an automatic monthly contribution… Some of them called the church to see what Electronic Fund Transfer options were available, and then they signed up… Some of them pre-paid their summer month pledge…. And so have one less thing to worry about all summer all because they decided to plan ahead. Living Generously is one more thing we can say about summer! ACH Electronic Giving
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