"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." Romans 8:18
Dr. Alien Meiner from Asbury University imagined two twins talking inside the womb.
One said to the other, "isn’t it wonderful to be alive!? What a great thing this gift of life is!" The other developing baby agreed and they began to explore their world within the womb. As they did, they found their mother’s cord, and they sang with joy, "How great is the Mother’s love that she is willing to share her own life with us!"
Weeks past, and soon turned into months, and the twins noticed that they were changing. "What does this mean?" said the first. "It means that our stay in this world is drawing to a close" said the other. "But I don’t want to go. I want to stay here for ever." "We have no choice," said the other, "but maybe, there is life after birth."—
"But how can that be," said the first. "If we lose our life cord and how is life possible? Besides, we see evidence that there were those here before us and they have never returned to tell us that there truly is life after birth.—No this is the end! I'm sure of it." And so the first twin sank into deep despair and said, "If conception ends in birth what is the purpose of life in the womb. It is meaningless. In fact, maybe there is no mother after all?"
"But there has to be, however did we get here in the first place? And how are we still kept alive?" "Have you ever seen the mother, "said the first," Maybe she exists only in our minds and we have created her and life after birth just to comfort us and make ourselves feel better." So the last few days in the womb were filled with deep questioning and fear. Finally the moment of birth arrived, and when the twins had passed from their world, they opened there eyes and cried—for what they saw far exceeded their wildest dreams. Their cries were their crude songs of praise that in the years that followed were refined and brought joy to their mother and to all hear them.
Such was the story of our life, death and rebirth.
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