In case you were one of those rare individuals that avoided or had not heard abut the storm we had two week ago, it was one for the record books. A storm blew threw our area on Friday evening June 29th and knocked out power to the whole area, the better part of West Virginia and a few surrounding states. We had storms before, we've lost power before, but nothing like this. Electrical service was interrupted for a couple of day and for many in our church, over a week.
Strange things happen when you loose electricity, things your take for granted don't work any more, systems that normally don't think about needing electricity let you know in a hurry they do, and especially in the middle of a heat way, you are reminded how much you depend on air conditioning. We're no pioneers that's for sure! In case you need more proof all you had to do was stick your head out a window and listen to the roar of generators, the last sound of a dwindling civilization.
But don't worry just yet. Crews from all over the country descended on on the electricity deprived neighborhood and with the roar of chainsaws civilization was on its way.
But this got me to think about other things we take for granted. Family, Love, Work, Health, and above all God. What happens if and when a storm blows through our lives and all that we've taken for granted is gone, all the things that once worked together no longer do and we realize we don't know how to put Humpty Dumpty back together again!
Here's a couple of suggestions, emergency back up if you will, for the next storm that may be on the horizon...
(1) What do you want to save? (i.e. what's most important?)
If the first thing you reach for in the middle of a crisis is your flat screen TV, you've got real problems! Know what matters to you and what you need to help you survive emotional and spiritual storms. Your loved ones are the only thing that will matter, period. Take care of it now, don't wait. Gather your loved ones. Invest in loving them now so you can draw on their love in desperate times.
(2) Emergency Supplies for the Long Haul
Light source - The Word of God. "It is is lamp unto my feet and light unto my path. [Psalm 119:105]
Food and water -- A relationship with Jesus - "Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." [John 6:35]
(3) Faith that God is on your side A faith that has not been tested is a faith that cannot be trusted. Storms have an amazing way to clear away the cob-webs of self-sufficiency. Spend time with God in worship, prayer and service. Make sure Jesus is in your boat before the storm comes. It can be awfully lonely on the sea when you have no one to help. God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. [1 Corinthians 10:13]