“Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lionlooking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8
I am particular here about invoking the name of Christ, because if you have no faith affiliation, if you don't believe in anything, then you shouldn't really expect anything from life but survival of the fittest. You should expect lions as a way of thinning the herd and removal of the weak. Of course you may be the weak and you may be the one getting "thinned". Without a loving God, life degrades to a dog-eat-dog world and lions can destroy your dreams simply because they are stronger. Right and wrong have no meaning here. With a spiritual connection to a world of love and mercy, Lions are an aberration and we struggle to make sense of the presence and purpose. In the story of Daniel and the lions he faced [Daniel 6] Daniel was warned about the impending danger and had a choice to make based on his understanding of life. Flight - Daniel knew the consequences of his actions. He was under Babylonian occupations and so the Babylonians call the shots. Disobeying the powers had consequences and he knew it. He could have simply given in, protected his interests, career position in the government and his lavish lifestyle. He could have chosen to run from this conflict and protect himself. Many people today are runners. Running from themselves, spiritual life, truth and justice. We turn a blind eye to poverty and accept ambition, avarice and alienation as the norm. Sometime you need to stand for something or the lions, who always run faster than we do, will find your weakness and you become food. Fight - Daniel was not a violent man, physically, but he fought for what he believed in. We call that integrity. He faced his lions with a greater power, the power of a soul infused with God. He knew the truth and he knew the truth would always be stronger."Truth is power and power prevails." - Sojourner Truth
All Christians should face their lions with the same courage and strength as Daniel because of the way lions clarify who we are and what we believe. Lions prove your identity “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.” Oscar Wilde Lions prove the power of God Lions prove your faith to others. Sermon Notes 07.29.12. Facing the Lions Worship 7.29.12 Facing Lions Audio --> Facing the Lions 7.29.12Email Subscription: