Remember John 3:16? “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,...”Jesus was God’s ultimate gift to humanity, He gave himself, He gave his all. We deserved nothing but God gave us everything. God gave us His best. God gave us His all. That’s something worth considering during this season. It’s easy to spend money, especially excess money. It’s easy to hand someone a tangible, physical present - something you don't want yourself and could do without. But let me challenge each of us to follow the example of our heavenly Father this year. Give a gift that really mean something to the people you care about in your life, a gift that means something to you. Give something that expresses your love. Give part of your time. Give your life. Follow God’s example and give yourself. Christmas should strengthen our relationships and create new ones. Giving, especially at Christmas, is an expression of the image of God placed in your at your birth.
- What do your Christmas gifts say about you? about your relationships?
- Why did God give us his all? (ans: John 12:46, John 8:12, 1 John 4:11)
- Do you give more out obligation and guilt -- or -- gratitude and love?
"Today, a young came through my checkout line at work to buy a present for his brother’s birthday. He rode his bike a mile and a half to get to the store and spent every last dollar he had. After the boy had told me all that, the lady behind him gave him a five dollar bill and told him there needed to be more brothers like him.""You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give." Kahlil Gibran
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