HOPE: to cherish a desire with anticipation, to expect with confidence, trustRead: Luke 1:16-38 NIV Immanuel - God with us. The Presence of God in our world radically changes the nature of how we see and live each day. The Light of Christ shows us the world as it is and brings us the HOPE of how it could still be. This Sunday we reflected on Gabriel's message to young girl from Nazareth and how God put Mary's faith to work. May people this Christmas are looking for something to believe in, something to hope for and something to be proud of. Christmas invites us to HOPE with Mary in the miraculous and mysterious work of God in the world and in our lives. Mary was pregnant. Maybe that goes without saying, but it is a huge realization. For 9 months Mary would probably worry, wonder and question the wisdom of God's plan. Had she made the right choice? To be faithful to God means to live expectantly (i.e. pregnant). What are you expecting from God? What doubts and fears in seem insurmountable today are about give birth to something wonderful? Sermon Notes: Sermon Notes 12.09.12 Unexpected HopeSermon Slides: Worship 12.09.12 Outta the Darkness HOPESermon Audio: Unexpected Hope 12.9.12LUnexpected Hope 12.9.12E