Peace : state of tranquility or quiet: freedom from civil disturbance, a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or customPerhaps I’ve been looking for something different. In John’s gospel, Jesus says he’s come to give us a different kind of peace, not the kind you would find in the world, but a kind that only HE can bring, peace that takes away fear and anxiety. So what kind does the world give? I think the peace of the world is one based on power and control. When I can control my circumstances, have enough insurance or money in the bank, I'll feel protected and perhaps then peace will come. But can I really get enough insurance to prevent cancer, enough power to overcome Hurricane Sandy or enough technology to keep me from random acts of violence like Newtown? I can't and neither can you. We are all weaker and more vulnerable than we like to let on. What we need is something beyond all these. We need Jesus. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.” (Luke 2:14) That was the angelic announcement on that first night. Peace. Too often I forget that the first Christmas was all about God’s longing for peace. Sin had created a separation between a holy God and a fallen humanity. God desired fellowship with us. God longed for peace, for the wall of division to be broken down so that we could be reunited. But for that to happen a sacrifice was required. A payment. A substitute who could serve as the sin-bearer for a lost and dying world. Hence, the birth of His Son and our Savior, Jesus. The incarnation of the Son made possible peace between God and man. In time that Christmas morning would give way to the Cross. The price for my sin would be paid. Fellowship with the Father would be restored. Remember that precious truth this Christmas season. Now, because of Jesus you and I can live at peace with God, with our world and with the future.
“Sometimes God calms the storm, but sometimes God lets the storm rage and calms His child.” “You cannot find peace by avoiding life.” ― Virginia Woolf
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