Sojourn: To dwell for a time; to dwell or live in a place as a temporary resident or as a stranger, not considering the place as a permanent habitation; to delay; to tarry.
I believe we all have a deep ache in our hearts to change lives and make a lasting, positive difference, to leave our distinctive mark on the world and to know that the passing of our days was not without meaning or significance. We want to look to the future with eagerness and expectation and not be mired in the past filled with regrets and resentments. We all want change, yet we lack the self-confidence, courage and faith to live our dreams and become the givers and shapers we aspire to rather than the consumers and wanders we despise.
Eternity is too long not to make a serious business out of it.
It may at times seem like an impossible task - one that exists only in our memories now just beyond our reach because of our busy lives, the daily demands and choices that put us where we are. - but it doesn't have to be that hard. What if I told you it was not only possible to live the dream, but it was easier than you think? What if I told you there really was a way to lift your life from muck and the mire, from the mundane and routine and experience the life of an Adventurer? Would take advantage of the invitation? Most readers will probably let their sub-conscious take over, reject this "polly-anna" notion of and simply move on, but since you've made it this far, can you give me just one more paragraph?
Great! All the great saints of the past, adventurers and statesmen had one thing must of us don't - a cause, a calling or a concern that became the driving force in their life. It was something that was usually challenging and required more of them than they knew, but that's what made it great. They risked more, they dreamed big and because of their calling, they never gave up and eventually discovered what we're looking for. They became great because their calling stretched them in new and sometimes profound ways.
So here's the BIG LIFE QUESTION that we will work on together...
What is your life mission, your heart's ambition, and the legacy that consumes your thoughts and lifts your spirits? What 'great thing' will outlive you and will be talked about for generations to come?
Sojourner is a partnership opportunity to discover the great calling within, to enable ordinary people respond and to discover God's great purpose for our lives.
“I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now...Come further up, come further in!” ― C.S. Lewis, The Last Battle
Sojourner Mission Statement: "Our Mission is to put our own search for God, with all the moments of pain and joy, despair and hope, at the disposal of those who want to join this search but do not know how."
I see our mission as a looping process with the end product being healthy and joyful Christians reproducing other healthy Christians and churches.
We will not be afraid to fulfill our mission by trying new stuff to see if it works and move on to something else if it fails. After all, embracing change with faith-filled risk taking is one of the keys to healthy spirituality and discipleship.
However, while programs and strategies may change, our mission and message will remain the same. That’s a commitment we made to the Lord and to the people to whom we share this journey.
GROW to be spiritually and emotionally mature follower of Jesus Christ. We will challenge you to learn all you can about life as it is, about yourself and your calling, and develop skills that will enable you to go deeper and farther in faith than you ever imagined.
GIVE what God has already given you in Christ. Of course you first have to know what you have and appreciate the value of what you've been given. Our response is perhaps the best indication of how far we've come. What you give is a reflection of your values.
GO into the world to serve, share and surrender. When we engage the world, we become vulnerable and discover that life is truly an adventure and that we have skills and gifts we didn't even know we had. We will invite you out of your comfort zone to rediscover the gifts that are currently lying dormant.
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