What Specific events have helped inspire you to participate in this mission trip?When Steve came back from Haiti last year and told his story, I immediately felt connected to the boys! I know it sounds crazy, considering I’ve never met them, but I really feel like the Lord is leading me on a new path. Why do you feel called to participate in this particular church activity? (spiritual formation)I feel like God is really calling me to get out of my comfort zone and experience the World through His eyes. I feel a need to help in some way! I love learning about other cultures and this is a great way to learn with a hands-on experience. I believe God gave me a gift of compassion and would love to use that gift for doing God’s work.Describe what you hope to gain from this international mission experiencesI want to walk closer with God.I want to know him on a much deeper level.I want to know these people personally… share their stories, laugh with them, and feel their pain.I also hope to gain a sense of purpose. I’m excited to see what God has in store for me (as well as our group).