One of the great advantages of sleeping on the roof, is looking up at the stars as you go to sleep with gratitude and awe, feeling the cool Caribbean breeze all night and NO mosquitoes. One of the down sides is listening to the thousands upon thousands of roosters all talking to one another all night long. Seriously! From the time your head hits the pillow until you're up, rooster crow all night! Who knew! Of course, not to be out done, the dogs chime in and there is an on-going chorus of God’s creatures talking to one another in a language all their own. Since they’re not talking to us, we sincerely wish they would keep their voices down!Our day begin at 5:45 am with the sunrise in the Caribbean and ends usually around 10 pm. We find the sunset is around 5:30 am When we get up, Steve or Matt prepares half a cup of coffee for Steve, Erin and Matt to kick start our system. We’re very thankful Matt remember Dunkin Donuts coffee. Matt led devotions on suffering for Christ and we came to realize we don’t really understand that verse as much as we thought. We are NOT suffering for Christ here, we only experience inconveniences to our normal lifestyle.For dinner last night we have rice, bean grave and "fingers" which are sort of like dumplings. Tony was in the kitchen yesterday learning to prepare Maniock(?) (which is a sort of potato) bread we hope we can use for communion some time.We spend the morning finishing a table (guy) and organizing our supplies (gals) for our trip to Calibri Mountain (or Goat Mountain) today at 3 pm for a revival service there. we're excited to get out of Port-au-Prince and see the countryside a bit.
I am amazed as how well this team is learning Creole, loving on the boys and building relationship. They inspire me so much! They are taking every opportunity to learn the language and are excited to be students of the Haitians, and of course the Haitians are amazed to have such eager willing students. I could never have picked a better team to represent FUMC and I give all the praise to God.I really can sense that these disciples are in a place they never anticipated both physically and spiritually. We still have several day and many miles to travel and I know in my heart God is taking them deeper and farther in than any of us ever expected. Please pray for us and for the journey that lies before us. We are sojourners her and while we are passing through we have made friends, brothers and sisters that will last a lifetime.
Getting a haircut is easy, getting just a little off the sides is a bit more of a challenge.
…you realize, of course, that in addition to all of God’s creatures telling you over and over again “in a language all their own” how glad they are that you have chosen to be among them, even if just for a brief sojourn, they are inquiring about Prince and why it is that you did not bring him to visit and be among them for a few days as you are doing with the boys.
…when they start talking to you again tonight, be sure and tell them that Prince says, “Arf, arf,” which is dog for “Hello.”
We really appreciate the blog and pictures!!! It means so much to us. We are remembering you in prayer whenever we think of you. What a blessing to be part of your mission. Love to all!
Thank you for sharing your daughter with us for a week. Iknow this was a huge risk but she has been an amazing asset and I think she’s changed. She’s learning creole, doing everything and then some. Awesome Team. Do you think you’ll be joining us next year?
…are you planning on going on behalf of FUMC and leading a team from FUMC again next year?
…how most assuredly blessed for God and for so many others if that be the case…
…you realize, of course, that in addition to all of God’s creatures telling you over and over again “in a language all their own” how glad they are that you have chosen to be among them, even if just for a brief sojourn, they are inquiring about Prince and why it is that you did not bring him to visit and be among them for a few days as you are doing with the boys.
…when they start talking to you again tonight, be sure and tell them that Prince says, “Arf, arf,” which is dog for “Hello.”
We really appreciate the blog and pictures!!! It means so much to us. We are remembering you in prayer whenever we think of you. What a blessing to be part of your mission. Love to all!
Thank you for sharing your daughter with us for a week. Iknow this was a huge risk but she has been an amazing asset and I think she’s changed. She’s learning creole, doing everything and then some. Awesome Team. Do you think you’ll be joining us next year?
…are you planning on going on behalf of FUMC and leading a team from FUMC again next year?
…how most assuredly blessed for God and for so many others if that be the case…