Pivotal Circumstances – something big happened, death, sickness, divorced, birth of a child, lost a job, got a job, got married had a child and now responsibility set in. A miracle given to us, perhaps not the one we asked for, and now we’re responsible for a beautiful life or the hard work of rebuilding one. It is a Pivotal moment in our life story.God began to do something in our faith to build our faith, to put us on a new path, to change our destiny and to reveal a part of life we would never would have known otherwise. In the midst of our crisis we're terrified, our faith is purified, and we find prayer and solitude the only relief. We turned to God as our only hope and security and strength.Our Faith Grows in the process. Scripture:Mark 6:45-52Sermon Notes: Sermon Notes 05.12.13 Faith Catalysts 4 Pivotal CircumstancesSermon PodcastFaith Catalysts Pivotal Circumstances 5.12.13 EFaith Catalysts Pivotal Circumstances 5.12.13 L