Caffeine Intelligence
About how many cups of coffee does the average person drink daily? (1,3,5,or 7) ANSWER: 3
More than three-quarters of us drink coffee. And more than half say they drink it every day. Experts aren't sure what the health risks are -- if any -- if you drink too much coffee. That's why most suggest you stop at two or three cups.
Personally Speaking: I usually stop at 2 or 3 pots!
Which has less caffeine? (regular or instant)
Answer: Instant coffee
Ground roast coffee has about 115 mg per 5-ounce cup if it's made in a drip brew pot. The same size cup made in an older percolator would have 80 mg.
Instant coffee doesn't brew as long. That's partly why it has only about 65 mg of caffeine per cup.
Personally Speaking: Never Rush Perfection!
Where did coffee first come from?
Of the 25 or more major species of coffee plants, all of them are native to the tropics of Africa, mainly Ethiopia.
Personally Speaking: I still think it came from God!
Coffee plants are related to (roses, gardenias,
ANSWER: Gardenias
They don't smell the same, but they both smell good! Coffee is the biggest cash crop in the plant family called
Rubiaceae . It's a big clan, with more than 6,000 species. One member is the fragrant flower gardenia.
Personally Speaking: I don’t care what historians say, I still think B.C. stands for “before coffee”!
Drinking coffee may lower your chance of (gall stones, diabetes, or both)
Too much coffee can lead to a faster heart rate and higher blood pressure. More and more, though, it seems your daily cup could be good for you. Coffee with caffeine (not decaf) may prevent gallstone disease, for instance. Regular coffee drinkers have a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.
Personally Speaking: having too much coffee is like saying you can have too much life, too much joy, too much adventure. Silly people!
A "grande" coffee has as much caffeine as how many cans of cola? (3,5,or 7)
More is more when it comes to caffeine and coffee. That grande has 330 mg of caffeine. Compare that with 47 mg in a can of diet cola. A grande has about three times as much caffeine as a normal-size cup of coffee.
Personally Speaking: but a grande doesn’t have all the sugar
Every year the average American drinks enough coffee to fill (bathtub, swimming pool, 5 gal bucket)
ANSWER: A bathtub
Your basic home tub holds 24 gallons of water. That's almost exactly the same as the 24.1 gallons of coffee on average each American drinks a year.
Personally Speaking: I’ve got to get busy!
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I thought bathtubs were for gin…harking back to the 20s…and attempting to be just a smidgen humorous.
At 2 to 3 pots daily as you suggested in your response to question #1, I think you are right on schedule to fill that 24-gallon bathtub by year’s end…
…and me? I won’t be too far behind you…oops, gotta go; my microwave is beeping…my next cup of coffee is calling.