Imagine going through life never depending on anything or anyone. There are times when that certainly sounds attractive, but it doesn't last long. We need people, we need some predictability, and we need some sense of direction. Without these three elements, we live lives that are lonely, chaotic and pointless. We build our lives on covenants, spoken and unspoken, of what we believe, what we will respect and what we expect from others. Spiritually we have covenants as well. Atheists have spiritual covenants too! They may not believe in God, but this believe is a belief they agree to and order their lives accordingly. Covenants go something like this "Since I hold this to be true...Then I will order my priorities and my choices accordingly." Anything else is to lose integrity and to be speaking jibberish, it is the life of hypocrisy. We agree to one thing, do one thing, act one way, but then turn around and do the opposite. Covenants determine who we are. Covenants are not always determined by what we say, but always by what we do. For the past several weeks we have been talking about how the church is a community of covenant relationships, dependent upon one another, and committed to the mission of Christ. This Sunday we talk a look at the greatest hope in our lives and in our world. The Church. Despite all its' flaws, warts and misdeeds, the Church is the Body of Christ in the world, saving, redeeming and rebuilding lives and shaping the future. To ignore the church is to ignore Christ, to give up on the message of Grace and to surrender to apathy and despair. I don't know about you, but I'm not ready to give up.Join the conversation this Sunday's message follows.Covenant Sunday 11.03.13LSermon Notes 11.06.13 Communion of the SaintsWorship 11.06.13 Beyond CynicismOctober 13.2013LMoment of Decision 10.27.13ELeading Causes of Life Connections 9.9.13LLeading Causes of Life Connections 9.9.13E
Steve, I don’t know what God is wanting to do in my life but He keeps placing the word “covenant” in my path. First, it came from the God’s Word in Mark 14:24 where Jesus talks about His “blood of the covenant which is poured out for many.” Next, came a Facebook link to Dr. James Dobson talking with Dr. Jerry Kirk about The Prayer Covenant: . Today, it is your writing on “covenant.” I don’t think we have the understanding or the commitment to the covenant relationship that God has established with us and desires we have with Him and other believers. I am waiting expectantly for what God will say next.
Steve, I don’t know what God is wanting to do in my life but He keeps placing the word “covenant” in my path. First, it came from the God’s Word in Mark 14:24 where Jesus talks about His “blood of the covenant which is poured out for many.” Next, came a Facebook link to Dr. James Dobson talking with Dr. Jerry Kirk about The Prayer Covenant: . Today, it is your writing on “covenant.” I don’t think we have the understanding or the commitment to the covenant relationship that God has established with us and desires we have with Him and other believers. I am waiting expectantly for what God will say next.