To say that Mary's life was interrupted when the Angel came and spoke with her, revealed God's plan and her purpose in it is a understatement. Mary's plans of marriage, family and domestic home life was put on hold and God revealed to Mary that she was more than even she knew. She had found favor with God, I doubt she knew that. The Lord, the great I AM, was already with her, did she sense it?She would have a child, though unmarried and still a virgin. We tend to hold on to those stereotypes of who we are and what we can accomplish based on years of culture, rejection and fear. When God interrupts your life, it is to reveal more of who you are than you ever thought possible. When the Angel first reveals to Mary God's plan for her life, like most of us, Mary is confused and struggles to understand "how will this be... since I am a virgin?" (Luke 1:34)Mary's self-identity is being challenged and changed. How many of us have our lives governed by what we believe we are? Are we able, like the Psalmist, to live out the mystery of our divine purpose? "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."Psalm 139:14In today's lesson based on Luke 1:26-34, Mary has her life interrupted by God and comes to a radically different perspective on life and on herself. What can we learn from Mary?What question would you have asked the Angel or God?Have you ever objected when God wanted to use your for some great purpose?>> See Part 1 of the Advent Study John the Baptist Sermon Notes 12.08.13 An Interrupted Life - MaryWorship 12.08.13 Second Advent
Sermon Audio: Interrupted Life Part 2 12.8.13LInterrupted Life Part 2 12.8.13E