God interrupts the monotony that is our day to day life and offer a new challenging way of life.
Appointments to be kept. Tight schedules to maintain. Routines established. That’s how most of us try to live our lives. But what happens when life is interrupted with something totally unexpected?
What happens when God steps in to redirect our priorities, rearranges the patterns of our lives and replaces it with a path we never intended to follow?
All through our lives God is trying to break into the routines that keeps us safe and comfortable but also bored and anxious. We feel like there should be more to life, but what and where do we look.
In the Christmas story the Shepherds are given almost a saintly status and they look on the baby in a manger, or a least that's how most commercial nativity sets display their role. But historically, shepherds were the low lifes of society, living out in the fields, homeless, down on their luck, watching someone else's animal eat and wander around. I can imagine that as they sat in the fields, weeks on end, they pretty much gave up on the hope that their's was a life worth living. That perhaps God had given up on them and that their best days were behind them.
God interrupts the Monotonous Life. Despite it's predictability, monotony kills the soul and eats away like cancer at our passion and our dreams. Christmas is a constant reminder that God has not given up on us and that hope, inspiration and divine purpose is waiting for all of us, not just a select few.
Join the conversation this week as we look at how and why God interrupts our lives.
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Sermon Notes 12.15.13 An Interrupted Life - ShepherdsEmail Subscription: