Psychologists tell us that there are 3 major "wants" in life. The first "want" is to want comfort - to want food when we are hungry, to want something to drink when we are thirsty, to want a cool place when we are too hot, to want shelter from the storm.
We want to be comfortable. While this may sound like a bash on possessions, it's not. But often time when we seek to be comfortable, we're really seeking security and insurance against an unpredictable often times dangerous future.
The second "want" is to want to be accepted by our peers, to be respected for who we are & what we are.
We want to wanted, to liked or to be noticed. We were made for relationships and cannot function without some level of connectedness. If we can't be connected to others in a healthy mutually nurturing way, we will do so in destructive, violent ways.
The third "want" is to want to find
meaning in life, to understand what life is all about, to leave a legacy and be significant & that we have a part to play in it.
The first two, comfort and relationships, often involve short-term thinking. You want to be comfortable NOW, you want people to like you and think well of you NOW. It is seeking the meaning of life that is long term thinking and we put off endlessly because of the tyranny of the NOW.
But I like what CS Lewis says "Seek Heaven and you will get earth thrown in, Seek earth and you will get neither." Seek to find meaning in life and all you need will be given to you to achieve that goal. Seek the substance of life without purpose or meaning and nothing will satisfy for very long.
Join the discuss for finding meaning and purpose by being intentional and putting First Things First!
Sermon Notes 01.12.14 First Things First - Values
Worship Slides 01.12.14
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