In part I of this series we looked at the styles and reasons Jesus asked people seemingly simple questions. They were questions that drew the listener into a deeper conversation about their life, what they were doing and where it would ultimately lead. In John 5 Jesus asks a man paralyzed for 38 years, "Do you want to get well?" The answer was revealing and transformational. We begin to find the life we were created for when Jesus confronts us with the reality of where we are.
Questions Jesus Asked Devotional:
Questions Devotional
This week we look at another well know story and another challenging question from Jesus. Found in John 4, Jesus encounters a woman from Samaria collecting water at an historically significant well of Jacob for just another day and simply ask if she "will give me a drink?" [John 4:7]. On the outside the question is quite simple, the implications are anything but. She is confronted with the barriers of her sex, her religion, her heritage and her lifestyle. Into this world Jesus comes to ask for some hospitality and then gives her more than she could ever dream or image. It would be the day her life changed.
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28
What questions about your life, your behavior and your attitude would you like to hide from God? Are you ready to be confronted by the truth of Jesus' presence? Join us and find the confidence and the courage to life the life you meant to.
The Quesstions Jesus Asked John 4
Sermon Notes 03.30.14 Questions Jesus Asked II
Questions Jesus Asked 3.30.14L
The Questions Jesus Asked 3.30.14EEmail Subscription: