Imagine a young man running up to you desperate to ask a question before you turned to your next appointment and the opportunity was lost. Out of breath, he captures your attention and greets with traditional politeness, "Good sir, what should I do with my life?"
I suppose Jesus could have answered the obvious question by teaching on the meaning of life with reference to the Old Testament prophets and Kings, or by drilling down to the root cause of this person's search for meaning. But Jesus does neither, he focuses on the description of himself as good. I thought that was just a polite greeting, but apparently Jesus thought otherwise.
Good morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious:
a good man.
“True human goodness, in all its purity and freedom, can come to the fore only when its recipient has no power.” Milan Kundera,
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Jesus opens the door to a deeper discussion of what is good, what causes goodness, and what keeps goodness a bay. In the notes that follow you will find a discussion of this encounter with the text and with yourself.
How is Jesus challenging your definition of the 'good' life?
Jesus challenges the young man to give up one lifestyle for another. How would you have responded to His invitation?
Sermon Notes 04.06.14 Questions Jesus Asked III
Worship Slides 04.06.14 Fifth Lent
Questions Jesus Asked III 4.06.14L
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