At some point in our lives we must all make choice either by intention or by default. Sometimes that choice is intentional based on sound reasoning and careful, even prayerful, consideration of the results and the costs associated with a particular path. Other times we abdicate our choices to time and chance and simply accept what comes to us as "the way things are," karma or luck. Many people hold to the delusion that relationships, circumstances, opportunities, joys and hardship are all subject to time and chance just like the weather. Some people live their lives as victims of a cruel world rather than spiritual being on a journey of adventure and discovery. Which best describes you're life? What would your friends say?In our passage this week, (Matthew 16:13-20) Jesus engages his disciples with a question that will define their futures. "What about you, who do you say that I am?" There is only so long we can just go along with the crowd, carried along by popular opinion, hiding in a sea of nameless faces. At some point we will be held accountable for who we are and what we did or didn't do.Are you ready to face the truth, to be called out and to join your life to Jesus? Questions Jesus Asked IV 4.13.14EQuestions Jesus Asked IV 4.13.14LSermon Notes 04.13.14 Questions Jesus Asked IVWorship Slides 04.13.14 Palm Sunday