Waiting on God: How to Trust in God’s Timing
Have you ever been in a situation when you have been waiting on God? Maybe you have been waiting for healing, for a new home, a job, or some other kind of change that you desperately need. We're all at some time or another in a season of waiting. You’re trusting in God initially and patiently wait for Him to work. And nothing happens. And nothing happens. And nothing happens. I’m not going to deny that waiting on God is hard. We are trusting in God’s timing which may be different to our timing.But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord,
I say, “You are my God.”
My times are in Your hand;
Psalm 31:14-15
What to do when you’re waiting on God...
Be Still and Know that He wants to bless you
God wants to bless us. Sometimes we forget this. Yet, the blessings God showers us with are not always what we are expecting.Be Still and Know that God hears you
We may wonder why God seems to be silent, but we can always trust in His love for us and His great wisdom.
Be Still and Look for God’s purposes
Sometimes easier to see His purposes in hindsight
Waiting on God from the Life of Moses 1 Sermon Notes 08.10.14 Moses Where is God [notice] PODCAST Waiting for God 8.10.14E Waiting for God 8.10.14L[/notice]Email Subscription: