When God appears to Moses and to the Hebrews, it is a far cry from what they had expected as it usually is with us as well. We look for God to take care of our problems, solve the predicament we've gotten ourselves into, forgive every selfish decision, overlook every grievance and in general bless us with every gift from above. Do you see the narcissistic bent here. We want to choose the kind of God we serve, one of our own making, one that doesn't demand, direct, or judge what we say or do. Now we don't mind if God does that to those other evil doers, but we want to be judges on our good intentions whether they really were or not. I heard a song yesterday recorded by Huey Lewis and the News
"I Want a New Drug" and I imagined replacing the lyrics with our attitude about God. Let me know what you think. I want a new [God]- one that does what it should, One that won't make me feel too bad, One that won't make me feel too good. I want a new [God]- one with no doubt, One that won't make me nervous, wonderin' what to do. ... I'm alone with you, I'm alone with you, yeah. Perhaps the parallel isn't too far fetched. We want God like we want a drug, wait on the shelf until the need arises and then guaranteed to work no matter how we got in trouble. Well, just like the Hebrews in our story, they expected a different kind of God, on that would relieve the pain, one that would produce prosperity all without the burden of expecting anything in return. Well it's time to wake up to reality folks, God wants a relationships, a dynamic give and take, with expectations and responses. Are you ready for a journey like that?
Sermon Notes 09.14.14 Where is God in my Life Seeking after God 9.14.14 [notice] PODCAST
Looking for God 9.14.21 Looking for God 9.14.21E [/notice]
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