There comes a moment in everyone's life when we feel our back's up against the wall, something has got to be done and God seems silent. We pray, we plead, we promise and we prostrate ourselves in the hopes that God will take away the pressure. The History of the Bible is filled with such situations. The History of Israel begins on a dramatic note as they leave Egypt with all kinds of riches and gifts. As they begin following the promise of God searching for the Promise Land, they encounter the Red Sea not the super highway they expected. No way over it, no way under it, no way around it, we have to go through it. As if that wasn't bad enough the entire Egyptian army are in hot pursuit, and not to negotiate either.
When faced with such pressures, the Hebrews have a characteristic response of emotion, exaggeration, and mental breakdown. Have you ever faced a problem that you made larger by your emotional response and exaggerated the impact and neglected to consider some rather obvious alternatives? I think we all have!
Moses offer those of us who face challenges that demand a response an alternative way of confronting challenges in life.
(1) Moses tells the people - "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today." [Exodus 14:13] Basically Moses is trying to get a control of our emotional runaway train.
(2) Stand on your convictions - "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." [Exodus 14:14] How easy it is when under pressure to forget all the miracles and blessings we've already experiences. How quickly the Hebrews forgot God's saving sacrifice of the lamb give to protect them.
(3) The future belongs to God - "The Egyptians you see today you will never see again." [Exodus 14:13]
When faced with the challenges of life, we must choose either a slave's response of emotional defeatism, or respond as the people of God with confidence, conviction and courage.
When faced with a crisis, are you more likely to respond emotionally or intentionally?
Sermon Notes 09.21.14 Against the Wall
Sermon Slides:
Life of Moses Searching for God when Trapped 9.21.14
When Your Back is Against the Wall 9.21.14E
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