The men who had gone up with him said, “We can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we are.” And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored. We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.” Numbers 13:33There they are, standing on the edge of their greatest success staring directly into God's abundance. Would they take that step and believe, or turn and face the desert of despair? You guessed it, they turn away convinced they couldn't accomplish what God has promised. How could they have they forgotten the 10 plagues and salvation from the Angel of Death? How could they have they forgotten the parting of the Red Sea and the destruction of the Egyptian authorities? How could they have they forgotten the hunger and the thirst and refreshing gifts of manna and quail God provided? How could they have they forgotten Mt. Sinai, the golden calf, the brass snake, and the constant reminder of the Promised Land with milk and honey? I don't know why we do, but we do. Are we really that different? All of us still have a bit of a slave mentality. We're too small, too powerless, too old, too young, too ugly, too poor, too sick, too dumb, etc. God makes a promise, we receive it, we forget it, we complain about it, then we reject it. Sound familiar? It should it occurs to all of us from time time. Those who fear the future… will glorify the past (bondage) will devalue themselves (slaves) will ignore hope (savior) Life is made up of CHALLENGES that grow us, CHANGES that move us, and CHOICES that define us. Join us this week as we wrestle with our daily decision to cross the Jordan each day and believe and receive God's blessings. Will you take that step? The Moment of Choice 9.28.14E The Moment of Choice 9.28.14L Sermon Notes 09.28.14 Promised Land Promise Sermon Slides 09.28.14 The Promises of God
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