“The Bible seeks to catch our lives up in a grand adventure, a great saga of God’s dealing with humanity – a saga begun in God’s journey with Israel, continued in the surprising call of God even unto Gentiles. The church is the product of that story.” – William Willimon, Shaped by the Bible
The Bible is more than an ancient text, it is an ongoing conversation between God and humanity. It reveals our flaws, our deepest desires and the promise of a better life and we could possibly imagine. We are caught up in a God's Grand Adventure described by the prophets, revealed in Jesus and preached by the saints.
We are people of one Book. Join the story and find out why life sometimes just doesn't make sense the way we're living it.
Planting Gods Word 2.15.15E
Planting Gods Word 2.15.15L
Sermon Notes 02.15.15 Word Power
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