I think it is important to capture, and where appropriate celebrate, the state of the flood relief effort as of Monday, July 20, 2015.
Almost immediately following the flood on Sunday evening July 12, WV UM Disaster Response Team called me to make plans for the delivery of flood buckets and emergency supplies to the church. As word got around and we began to assess how extensive the damage was and who had been most affected, Mt. Pleasant UMC became a logical staging point for disaster relief and information. We have been working with the Salvation Army who provided lunch and dinners last week, Jenny from WV VOAD, as well as the American Red Cross for financial support whenever possible. The Wood County Health Department was on site last week and gave 67 tetanus shots for volunteers and local residents, and we also met with the representatives county disaster assessment office, from the Governor's office and from Senator Manchin's offices.
I am truly humbled by the incredible support we received from Jim and Betsy Martin from the Lubeck UMC, Sue Lowther from the WV Annual Conference's Disaster Response Team, Scot Clark from Mt. Pleasant UMC, Rod Blanchard from Big Tygart UMC, John Vannoy from the American Baptist Men's workers, as well as countless members and staff at Mt. Pleasant UMC. Thanks to their support, we have been able to process over 76 requests for assistance in food, housing, personal care, clean up and furniture. Several volunteers continue to make calls to check on residents and whether their needs have been met.
We are so grateful for all the financial support that has come in from all over the place as well as the tremendous outpouring of supplies in the form of of clothing, shoes, water, personal care items and gift cards.There is a growing list of trailers and homes that still need insulation removed so it can be dried and sanitized as well as several homes that still need water drained from basements and or crawl spaces. We have a work team from the Baptist Men's Flood crew that is organizing work teams that are willing to come and roll up their sleeves and get muddy.
At last count, we have received approximately $17,000 in financial contribution, but that money is evaporating rather quickly!
We currently are providing temporary housing for 26 people (this represents 17 families) at the Red Roof Inn and meals through the Mountaineer Restaurant. To cover these costs, we are spending approximately $1,200 a day. We are desperately trying to find permanent housing solutions for poor and several physically and mentally disabled individuals. We have people on site working the phones to coordinate our efforts with DHHR and HUD to find long term solutions.
The learning curve this past week has been steep indeed, but the attitude and cooperation has been exceptional. I attribute the tremendous cooperation and commitment to our Christians values and our connectional heritage.
The purpose of this note is to capture, as best I can recall, the events of the past week and the tremendous work being done by so many who gave people hope at perhaps the lowest point in their lives.
Churches that I know have made financial contributions:
FUMC, Williamstown
FUMC, Parkersburg
The ARK, Belpre
Red Hill UMC
North Parkersburg Baptist
St. Mary’s UMC
Mt. Carmel UMC
Kanawha UMC
Vaught Chapel
Walker UMC
Pleasant Grove UMC
For Disaster Relief, make the check out to
Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church
62 Turkey Food Road, PO Box 37
Mineral Wells, WV 26150
memo: Disaster Relief Fund