I know that there are hundreds of different ways to describe the church as it exists today, some good, some not so good. This ambiguity leaves many confused and struggling to create a definition all their own, often with disastrous consequences.
I though I would give several definitions a try. See which one describes you best and then take a stab at your own definition based on how you live your life.
Steve's Definition:
Church is a diverse community of colors, experiences and passions who gather to express their gratitude, mold their lives, and unite their hearts together in compelling generosity to the ongoing work of Jesus Christ.
A place that guarantees me Heaven by showing up - Christmas Eve. It looks like me, talks like me, and especially affirms what I already know. I am never uncomfortable, my assumptions are reinforced and my pet peeves demonized. A place that resonates with my favorite music, closest friends, political views and a professional staff that cater to my every whim. It is a place bursting at the seams!
Church Against
A place where the enemy is clearly identified and guess what,we're not it. Having taken the splinter out of our eye (as if we had one) we are now in the perfect position to take the log out of the world's eye, and believe me we see plenty of them. We have a siege mentality, high level of command and control and a bunker mentality when facing the needs of the world. After all, if the world it going to Hell in a hand basket, who are we to stop it!
Church For
A place that is for whatever is modern, hip, cool, trendy and above all techno-saavy. It is, dare I say it, Contemporary (with a capital "C"). Scripture, while a real novelty, has been translated by the greatest minds of our time into 3 key steps. It's relevance is historically significant, but it lacks the same pizzazz as a good Facebook community. It is a community that feeds our narcissism, starves our empty soul, and leaves us longing for God know what.
New Church
A place that is recreating authentic Christianity to reflect life of early disciples, of course without all the sacrifice, submission, and suffering. Things like doctrine, orthodoxy and core beliefs are remnants of a bygone era. This is a new generation casting off the shackles of conformity with new vision and a new (better) understanding of life in Our Brave New World.
Anyway, this was just fun putting some of my thoughts, observations and cautions to the community of faith down for your thoughtful consideration.
Who know, may you would like to come up with a definition of your own! If so, let me hear it!
Email Subscription:
Church is not a building; although it is a place where, at designated times, most usually Sunday mornings, we choose to come and congregate in community and fellowship with others in order to talk with and glorify God through prayer and to worship and praise Him as best, albeit incompletely and insufficiently, as we sinners humanly and humbly can.
Church is not a building, it is an action commanded and expected by God of His children and reiterated throughout the Bible by many as by Jesus in Matthew 4:10 when, in resisting one of satan’s temptations, He proclaimed, “Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.”
…but…”What Is Church?” should not, in the least and to my way of thinking, be defined by humans but rather be defined, practiced, and lived as my pastor once and, I pray, still continues to dream that it can be and as stipulated and intended by God Himself in Acts 2: 42-47 of His Most Holy Word:
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”