I wait.
Year after year, generation after generation I’ve been here, waiting, watching and hoping. I’ve watched so many climb these steps as the bell rang through the streets. I’ve watched generations pass by on their way to and from school and wondered if they knew why I was here. I’ve watch as horses gave way to faster cars reflecting the growing prosperity and I’ve wondered if they will remember me.
It wasn’t so long ago when my stones were cut and proudly set in their place. I rose with a purpose as a sign and a symbol as solid and firm as these stones bear witness. It was a proud moment for the small group that gathered on these steps at the beginning, amazed at what God had done among and through them. They dreamed big dreams then; they risked more and gave more, perhaps because they knew how fragile life is and how important this place would be to their children in the turbulent years to come. They believed, they prayed and then they acted.
I’ve watched as these families grew through lean years, celebrated life together confident that the Giver of Life was in their midst. Christmas garland, Easter lilies, stained glass, and banners of all kinds honored His presence while music, laughter and prayers called out His name and filled their hearts with joy. I’ve watched as young girls dressed all in white came to meet with nervous young men to begin a journey more wonderful than they could possibly know. I’ve also stood quietly and reverently as so many saints who served here were honored and then crossed my threshold for a journey they had spent a lifetime preparing to make.
And how could I forget all the little ones running through these sacred halls, finding their own voice and place in God’s kingdom. They too have journeyed far and left their mark on these steps and this community. I’ve seen so many grow from babies in their mother’s arms squirming at the baptismal fount, to young adults eager to stretch their wings and follow God’s calling. I’ve been part of so many of their lives that part of me now stretches around the globe. No matter where they are, I pray a bit of me will always be with them. I hope they remember.
The decades have come and gone and the world is a much different place than the founders could ever have imagined, but somehow they knew that the world’s need for faith, love and hope is timeless and a gift found only through these doors. So on this, my 100
th birthday, I hope you will not pass by these steps without remembering, hear the voices within without heeding their invitation, or forget that the future that will be here sooner than you think. Here I am, watching and hoping.
I wait.
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