Posts by Steve

301400 of 765 items

Centennial Moments XVII

by Steve

A review of the history, mission and faithfulness of the people who called First United Methodist Church, Williamstown, West Virginia – home. We offer these messages and slides with gratitude for the people and faithfulness of those who gave their hearts to Christ, Church and Community. Presented May 20, 2012 by Jean Pickering Focus: Missional […]

Centennial Moments XVI

by Steve

A review of the history, mission and faithfulness of the people who called First United Methodist Church, Williamstown, West Virginia – home. We offer these messages and slides with gratitude for the people and faithfulness of those who gave their hearts to Christ, Church and Community. Presented May 13, 2012 by Jean Pickering Slides: Centennial May […]

Finding Joy

by Steve

When we ask ourselves that basic of all questions, “What am I doing here” we judge the responses based on our instinctive desire to find joy. For example, if I say I’m here to work and build a comfortable life for myself, that answer is evaluated by this standard – “ok, but will that bring […]

I believe…

by Steve

I think everyone should have an “I believe” statement. It’s a place to collect your values, your priorities and your goals.  Every cause produces and effect, every effect is looking for its cause. Be more of a cause in your life than an effect. I have found that most people are happy just being an effect […]

3 Most Important Spiritual Questions

by Steve

Ephesians 1. This book has had a profound impact on my life: Who I understand God to be; all that he has accomplished for me in Christ; how I view myself as a result; what I value and live for; how I view others inside the Church; outside the Church; how the Gospel transforms my […]

Centennial Moments

by Steve

A review of the history, mission and faithfulness of the people who called First United Methodist Church, Williamstown, West Virginia – home. We offer these messages and slides with gratitude for the people and faithfulness of those who gave their hearts to Christ, Church and Community. Presented April 29, 2012 by Delores McCallister Slides: Centennial April […]

3 Things the Good Shepherd Does

by Steve

Jesus told this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls […]

This I Believe

by Steve

This I Believe I believe I need a shepherd. Because I am sometimes timid and other times overconfident, because I often don’t know the best path yet pretend I do, because I rush into dead ends or lead others into hazardous places, because my brightest ideas are seamed with darkness, because the things I crave […]

What to do with Moralistic Therapeutic Deism

by Steve

Several days ago some friends of mine were stuck in a car on the way home from a meeting. As usually happens when we get together, our conversation turned toward church life, dwindling volunteers and the problems we all face as pastors to communicate spiritual things in a hectic, overworked and sometimes deaf world.  We […]

Called to be a Healing Community

by Steve

The story of Jesus healing the paralytic in Mark 2:1-14 is more than just another example of Jesus’ power of healing and restoration, it is also the dedication and compassion of a group that brought this paralytic to Jesus. It is not enough to know the truth if you never do anything with it. It […]

Centennial Moment XIII

by Steve

A review of the history, mission and faithfulness of the people who called First United Methodist Church, Williamstown, West Virginia – home. We offer these messages and slides with gratitude for the people and faithfulness of those who gave their hearts to Christ, Church and Community. Presented April 22, 2012 by Jean Pickering Slides: Centennial April […]

Is Unity Possible?

by Steve

  In a time of contentious political attack ads, religious groups condemning one another, and fear of losing control at an all time high, John Wesley’s words over 2 centuries ago resonate with the human soul. Truth always has. “In Essentials we have Unity. In Non-Essentials we have Liberty.  In all things we have Charity.” ~ John […]

Hungry People

by Steve

    Have you ever felt hungry, yet nothing sounded good to you. You have a craving that needs to be satisfied, but don’t know for what. Have you ever tried everything and yet nothing completely. We really can’t live on appetizers alone, at some point we need to bite down. “The point of having […]

Welcome New Members

by Steve

Please welcome these new members to the covenant of fellowship found here at First United Methodist Church. [slideshare id=12587903&doc=welcomenewmembers04-01-12-120418073804-phpapp01] Related posts: Images of a Church Picnic Leadership Development Team Centennial Moment X Staff Parish Relations Team

When Life and Beliefs Collide

by Steve

  “The world becomes a strange, mad, painful place, and life in it a disappointing and unpleasant business, for those who do not know about God. Disregard the study of God, and you sentence yourself to stumble and blunder through life, blindfold, as it were, with no sense of direction and no understanding of what […]

Baptism Celebration

by Steve

Today we celebrated the Baptism of Ashlee Mullinex Audio of Baptism Service Baptism of Ashlee Mullinex Related posts: Remember Your Baptism Remember Your Baptism Transformed by Baptism A Sacred Meal

Remember Your Baptism

by Steve

A Gift from God an Affirmation of Faith A Promise Forever! “People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed.”  ~ C.S. Lewis Life is a series of Remembrances (1) What you’ve learned – know to be true (tests & trials) “I once was lost, but now I found, was blind but […]

The Biggest Wall

by Steve

   We all face barriers in our lives, barriers to a healthy self image, barriers to maturity, barriers to loving relationships, and barriers to knowing God. A lot of the time these barriers are self-imposed to protect us from the outside world that can seem so bitter and angry.  Some barriers are imposed by others […]

Beyond the Walls

by Steve

For the most part we already know the basics of the Easter story. What I mean is we know the timeline. Palm Sunday is followed by the Lord’s Supper (although we may not call it Maundy Thursday or know that it is derived from the Latin “mandatum” for command. Check out John 13:34 to see […]

3 Things Christians Believe

by Steve

  3 Things you need to Know Before (and After) You Become a Christian! 1) Life offers a choice. “What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You want something but don’t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You […]

Good Friday?

by Steve

An innocent man is condemned by his community, abandoned by his friends, betrayed by a close associate, scourged until the flesh is just barely covering his bones, hung on a piece of wood in public to slowly suffocate, and is mocked, beaten and ridculed in the process. And we call this a “Good Friday”? Are […]

Palm Sunday: Staying Power

by Steve

  Based on Matthew 21:1-4 Sermon Notes 04.01.12 Staying Power Announcement Slides 4.01.12 Worship 04.01.12 Palm Sunday Late Service   Early Service   Related posts: Footprints: Staying Power Beyond the Walls What is Heaven? part 1 You Are Here pt1

Footprints: Staying Power

by Steve

  Do You Have Staying Power? When the cheering stops, when the Hallelujahs turn to jeers, when the music is silenced, will you still be standing or will  you have already turned to run? Here is the first stanza of a Rudyard Kipling’s poem “IF” “If you can keep your head when all about you  […]

Noncanonical Gospels IV

by Steve

With the discover of the Gospel of Thomas in 1943 in Nag Hammadi, there has been renewed interest in the importance of the Non-Canonical Gospel as important revelation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. As we continue to study the source and significance of the Gospels collectively it is only appropriate to consider the relevance of […]

Footprints: Well Intentioned

by Steve

  “The kingdom of heaven is not for the well meaning but for the desperate.”  — James Denney “Peter replied, “Master, to whom would we go? You have the words of real life, eternal life. We’ve already committed ourselves, confident that you are the Holy One of God.” John 6:68 We live in a world […]

The Gospel of John

by Steve

Unlike the Synoptic Gospels which focus on Jesus’ teachings, miracles and parables to help us understand Jesus’ purpose, John takes the reader on a panoramic view of the meaning of life, who God is and who we are in the process. Often described as the Maverick Gospel, John’s Eagle-eye approach to seeing the world will transform your understanding of […]

Footprints: Setting Goals

by Steve

“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Will he not first sit down and estimate the cost to see if he has enough money to complete it? For if he lays the foundation and is not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule him, saying, ‘This fellow began to build […]

Centennial Moment XII

by Steve

A review of the history, mission and faithfulness of the people who called First United Methodist Church, Williamstown, West Virginia – home. We offer these messages and slides with gratitude for the people and faithfulness of those who gave their hearts to Christ, Church and Community. Presented March 25, 2012 by George Fenton Slides: Centennial March […]

Invited: a message on Heaven

by Steve

His Italian mother named him after the gospel writer, Mark in the hopes that he too would tell the gospel truth. It is ironic that, later when he wrote a bestselling book on his world travels, cynics nicknamed it Il Milione: .The Book of a Million Lies.. And Mark, whose mother hoped would grow up […]

The Pursuit of Heaven part 4

by Steve

Heaven is not a place you go to, It is a place you grow to. Heaven is the gift of what you pursue in life. If your life is dominated by the pursuit of self-indulgent pleasure and privilege you will be rewarded by living in a world of hoarding and scarcity. If you live by giving and […]

The Gospel of Luke

by Steve

    During the season of Lent we will be taking an indepth look at the each of the four Gospels and considering how each Gospel was written, why some stories were included and not others and why the wording is different in each. In the process we will discover that each of the writers […]

Centennial Moment XI

by Steve

A review of the history, mission and faithfulness of the people who called First United Methodist Church, Williamstown, West Virginia – home. We offer these messages and slides with gratitude for the people and faithfulness of those who gave their hearts to Christ, Church and Community. Presented March 18, 2012 Slides: Centennial March 18, 2012 Centennial […]

2012 Haiti Video

by Steve

Trip to House of Hope, Bon Repo, Haiti, February 1-8, 2012   Related posts: Haiti Mission Society Video 2012 Mission Initiative – Haiti How You can Join us in Haiti this Year! Expectations of a Haiti Mission Team II

The Gospel of Matthew (lecture 2)

by Steve

During the season of Lent we will be taking an indepth look at the each of the four Gospels and considering how each Gospel was written, why some stories were included and not others and why the wording is different in each. In the process we will discover that each of the writers has a […]

Centennial Moment X

by Steve

A review of the history, mission and faithfulness of the people who called First United Methodist Church, Williamstown, West Virginia – home. We offer these messages and slides with gratitude for the people and faithfulness of those who gave their hearts to Christ, Church and Community. Presented March 11, 2012 Slides: Centennial March 11 Centennial Audio […]

Splendor of Heaven part 3

by Steve

“Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.”  Colossians 3:1-2 Have you ever been invited to a wedding celebration? Often there is […]

Saving Tomorrow Today

by Steve

In their book A Faith of Their Own: Stability and Change in the Religiosity of America’s Adolescents  (Oxford University Press, 2011), the authors follow up with 2,530 young people, age 16 to 21, surveyed about their faith and religious practices at two points in time. The authors identified five types of religious identity among these […]

Bonhoeffer on Discipleship

by Steve

This is one of the best descriptions of Christian Discipleship I’ve ever read! Be Inspired! Discipleship—being willing to move on every level, leaving the old life behind, following Jesus wherever he may lead, sitting at his feet so to speak, taking in not only what he says but who he is on the deepest level […]

3 Questions Every Christian Must Answer

by Steve

I had to take my car into the garage last week for a tune-up. It was running very rough and wouldn’t even idle when in gear, which meant I had to put it in neutral every time I came to a stoplight or traffic slowed down. What a pain! I think it was actually misfiring […]

Who Makes the Rules?

by Steve

   Suppose there was a king….a good king…who ruled over his land with both justice and mercy. Everyone knew him to be a good-hearted king, but he was strong on people who didn’t respect each other. His view of the law was that it was to protect everyone from everyone, and to reflect well on […]

The Gospel of Mark

by Steve

During the season of Lent we will be taking an indepth look at the each of the four Gospels and considering how each Gospel was written, why some stories were included and not others and why the wording is different in each. In the process we will discover that each of the writers has a […]

Centennial Moment IX

by Steve

A review of the history, mission and faithfulness of the people who called First United Methodist Church, Williamstown, West Virginia – home. We offer these messages and slides with gratitude for the people and faithfulness of those who gave their hearts to Christ, Church and Community. Presented March 4, 2012 Slides: Centennial March 4 2012   […]

Heaven 2: The Journey Home

by Steve

Are you looking forward to heaven and what God has planned or is it all simply wishful thinking? Does Heaven fill you heart with wonder, excitement and enthusiasm or fear and loathing? In the midst of pain, trials and difficulties, why should we be talking about Heavent? When Jesus knew he was facing the cross and that […]

Mission Initiative

by Steve

Surprised by Haiti       It has been my experience that God usually delivers more than I ask for, better than I hope for and in ways I never expect. Of course when my view of the world is too small, or my heart grown too cold, anything God does will be bigger, better and […]

What is Heaven? part 1

by Steve

Why are we not satisfied with this world as it is? Why do we long for beauty, love and fulfillment? Why is pain, suffering and death so revolting and something we fight against? John Lennon in his song “Imagine” suggests we ignore the reality of Heaven and the after life in favor a more immediate […]

Centennial Moment VIII

by Steve

A review of the history, mission and faithfulness of the people who called First United Methodist Church, Williamstown, West Virginia – home. We offer these messages and slides with gratitude for the people and faithfulness of those who gave their hearts to Christ, Church and Community. Presented February 26, 2012 Slides: Centennial feb 26 Late Service: […]

Ash Wednesday Service 2012

by Steve

February 22, 1012      The season of Lent is a time when we prepare our hearts, minds and souls for the sacred observance of Christ’s death on Good Friday and his resurrection on Easter. In Lent, we recognize we are simply dust and ashes without Christ, we confess our sins to God, and we […]

Wise and Foolish People

by Steve

 We all deal with craziness from time to time and usually believe everyone sees the world as we do. But the Bible is clear that some people are just fools and more conversation is pointless. I share this post in the hope it will as helpful for you as it was for me. ~ steve […]

Called or Driven?

by Steve

    Almost all of us guys get up every day and go to work. Work involves people, and we deal with all kinds of attitudes. Some, we’d just rather not have to deal with at all if we didn’t have to. But others are a joy to be around. And I’m not just talking […]

Tomorrow’s Seeds

by Steve

I’m always amazed at how little planning, thinking and preparing for the future we do these days. Infants tend to be short term thinkers, crying when their demands aren’t met, but as adults we’re to have a longer perspective on things that this. We tend to be short term thinkers, dealing with the Tyranny of […]

Centennial Moment VII

by Steve

A review of the history, mission and faithfulness of the people who called First United Methodist Church, Williamstown, West Virginia – home. We offer these messages and slides with gratitude for the people and faithfulness of those who gave their hearts to Christ, Church and Community. Presented February 19, 2012 speaker: Jean Pickering Early Service […]

Define Church

by Steve

I know that there are hundreds of different ways to describe the church as it exists today, some good, some not so good. This ambiguity leaves many confused and struggling to create a definition all their own, often with disastrous consequences. I though I would give several definitions a try. See which one describes you best and then take a stab […]

The Secret to Happiness

by Steve

I believe the secret to happiness and an abundant life consists of: Someone to Love I do not mean the roses and candy kind of love, which is often fleeting, fickle and fattening, but a love that draws you out into the open, makes you vulnerable and exposes your every weakness and in the process […]

Centennial Moment VI Feb 12, 2012

by Steve

A review of the history, mission and faithfulness of the people who called First United Methodist Church, Williamstown, West Virginia – home. We offer these messages and slides with gratitude for the people and faithfulness of those who gave their hearts to Christ, Church and Community. Presented February 12, 2012 Centennial Feb 12 Related posts: […]

A Sacred Meal

by Steve

Church means many different things to many people. To some it is an event, a building, an organization, a place on the map, a charity, and a group of people. When we actually consider getting involved in “a church” we are bombarded by all kinds of internal questions: What will I get out of this? […]

Sunday Worship

by Steve

This past Sunday, February 5, 2012, was a gift of inspiration and Hope from Joe Webb.   Related posts: Palm Sunday: Staying Power Beyond the Walls Centennial Moments – Centennial Sunday 8.12.12 Tomorrow’s Seeds

Centennial Moment V

by Steve

A review of the history, mission and faithfulness of the people who called First United Methodist Church, Williamstown, West Virginia – home. We offer these messages and slides with gratitude for the people and faithfulness of those who gave their hearts to Christ, Church and Community. Presented February 5, 2012 centennial – Feb 5 Related […]

Congregations Gone Wild!

by Steve

By G. JEFFREY MacDONALD, Published: August 7, 2010, Swampscott, Mass. THE American clergy is suffering from burnout, several new studies show. And part of the problem, as researchers have observed, is that pastors work too much. Many of them need vacations, it’s true. But there’s a more fundamental problem that no amount of rest and relaxation […]

The Truth in the Cross

by Steve

  The Cross enforces three truths:   about ourselves, about God, and about Jesus Christ.   1. Our Sin must be extremely horrible.   Nothing reveals the gravity of sin like the Cross.  For ultimately what sent Christ there was neither the greed of Judas, nor the envy of the priests, nor the vacillating cowardice […]

Raymond Parrish Memorial Service

by Steve

   Raymond R. Parrish, 77, of Vienna, WV died Sunday January 15, 2012 at Health South. He was born in Kenna, WV a son of the late Roscoe and Faye (Anderson) Parrish. He retired from Universal/Diamond Glass. When he was younger he served on the Vienna Volunteer Fire Department. He was a member of First […]

Centennial Moment IV

by Steve

A series of weekly presentations reviewing the history, mission and faithfulness of the people who called First United Methodist Church, Williamstown, West Virginia – home. We offer these messages and slides of our legacy with gratitude for those whose faith, vision and commitment to the Cause of Christ inspired and guided a generation to live […]

The Challenges of Following Jesus

by Steve

   Following Jesus is never as easy as some would have you think. If you are experiencing times of doubt, troubles, grief, anxiety, fear, and depression, you are in company with the Apostle Paul, Peter, John the Baptist, David, Moses, Abraham, Sarah, Joseph … well you get the pictures. Life is difficult and being a […]

2011 Annual Report

by Steve

A look at the faithfulness, generosity and gratitude of First United Methodist Church Williamstown, West Virginia Making Disciples ~ Making a Difference 2011 Annual Report FUMC Homepage Related posts: Centennial Moment II Centennial Moment XIII Centennial Moment XV Centennial Moment I

What is the Church?

by Steve

Here are some of my favorite quotes about how precious and how wonderful the Church can and should be. I hope it stimulates some deeper thinking about your relationship to the Church and why you feel the way you do.   Famous Church Quotes The True Church can never fail. For it is based upon […]

Who Needs Church? part 2

by Steve

There seems to be a movement these days to separate spirituality from community. As if a personal, private encounter Christ is better than dealing with others at church. Nothing could be further from the truth.  We were made to live in community, to practice the skills of forgiveness, grace and love and in the process […]

Where Are You?

by Steve

In the midst of hectic life, it’s easy to get lost. We rise to the top of our profession to realize we were climbing the wrong ladder. God, what happened? How did my life end up like this? Where is the peace that passes all understanding? Where am I, can someone help me, please? When […]

Centennial Moment III

by Steve

A review of the history, mission and faithfulness of the people who called First United Methodist Church, Williamstown, West Virginia – home. We offer these messages and slides with gratitude for the people and faithfulness of those who gave their hearts to Christ, Church and Community. Centennial Countdown 1.22 Related posts: Centennial Moment II Centennial […]

Who Needs Church? part 1

by Steve

Church is born out of forgiveness, grace and love. Not just flowing from Jesus to you, but from you into others! The Church then is a conduit, an overlap of Heaven and Earth in which the prayer “Thy Kingdom come, on earth as it is in Heaven” is fulfilled, at least temporarily. Is this conduit […]

Centennial Moment II

by Steve

  A review of the history, mission and faithfulness of the people who called First United Methodist Church, Williamstown, West Virginia – home. We offer these messages and slides with gratitude for the people and faithfulness of those who gave their hearts to Christ, Church and Community. January 15, 2012 centennial – jan 15 Related […]

Slay the Dragon before Breakfast

by Steve

I awoke this morning to the dragon’s hot breath on my face. I was disoriented, not quite knowing where I was. I struggled to open one eye. Then another. And there he was. A dragon. A very big dragon. With three heads. Sitting in my bedroom, like so many mornings before, he was waiting. His heads swerved […]

You Are Here pt1

by Steve

When we became Christians we entered a process in which the life of Christ became the air we breathe, the blood which courses through our veins and the wisdom that guides our thoughts and actions. To know what the next step is in our spiritual growth, we must first know where we are and where […]

What is an Idol?

by Steve

What is an idol? It is anything more important to you than God, anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, anything you seek to give you what only God can give. A counterfeit god [idol] is anything so central and essential to your life that, should you lose it, your life would feel hardly […]

Centennial Moment I

by Steve

A review of the history, mission and faithfulness of the people who called First United Methodist Church, Williamstown, West Virginia – home. We offer these messages and slides with gratitude for the people and faithfulness of those who gave their hearts to Christ, Church and Community. Centennial – jan 8 Related posts: Centennial Moment II […]

A Personal Question

by Steve

What would you like to improve Spiritually about your life this year? Wisdom Gratitude Joyfulness Reverence Wonder Peace Unless we think and consider such questions, the future will always be a surprise and an annoying inconvenience. I suppose there will be some that would rather not consider these things, but then maybe we’re becoming Apatheist […]

So What? Now What?

by Steve

“Herod was disturbed, and all of Jerusalem with him.”  Matthew 2:1-12 When we stop to consider all the activities of Christmas we are left with two questions: “So What? Now What?” When Herod encounter the Magi, he was disturbed by their presence, their questions and their conviction to travel so far. The problem was that […]

2012 New Year Blessings

by Steve

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson    As we step into the flow of God’s story, I feel there is a growing excitement that God is moving us, shaping and equipping us to live beyond the ordinary. We are, after […]

A Year for Reconciliation

by Steve

What is our task in this world as children of God and brothers and sisters of Jesus? Our task is reconciliation.  Wherever we go we see divisions among people – in families, communities, cities, countries, and continents.  All these divisions are tragic reflections of our separation from God.  The truth that all people belong together […]

Christmas Day 2011

by Steve

We hope you all had a great Christmas day filled with lasting memories and a heart that overflowed with laughter. We cherish all of you who are part of our lives and share these pictures and memories with you to help you feel, despite the distances and circumstances, that you are an important part of […]

Christmas Morning 2011

by Steve

On a quiet Christmas Morning I sit here quietly in my office and reflect on what the last several weeks have meant to me and particularly to the people I care about. I understand the battle that rages within the Christmas story for the hearts and minds of humanity. We are immersed in a world […]

The WHY of Christmas

by Steve

“At that time Jesus said, I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.” Matthew 11:25-26 When we get past all the frenzy of the Christmas experience, what’s left with the nagging […]

Christmas Eve: The Great Story of Christmas

by Steve

The Great Story of God This is a transcript of the service used on December 24, 2011. It is a closer look at the characters, circumstances and context that combine to make each piece part of the Greater Story of Christmas. No one character had all the pieces of the puzzle at the time, but […]

A Year for New Beginnings!

by Steve

New Birth – A Living Hope Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 1 Peter 1:3 Hope for the Future “For I know the plans I have for you,” […]

2012 Rules for the Road

by Steve

Everyone has rules or principles they live by, unfortunately most people don’t give them much of a thought. As a result we are often swept away the winds of changing attitudes, fashion and expectations. We all feel pressure to conform and become something different. But unless we know who we are, or who we want […]

A Christmas Blessing

by Steve

“Are you willing to forget what you have done for other people, and to remember what other people have done for you … to remember the weakness and loneliness of people who are growing old … Are you willing to believe that love is the strongest thing in the world … stronger than hate, stronger […]

Bethlehemian Rhapsody

by Steve

Who says you Christians don’t have a creative funny side! enjoy. Bethlehemian Rhapsody Related posts: That’s My King Just how far? Christmas Eve: The Great Story of Christmas Does God Ask Too Much?

My Crazy Christmas Family

by Steve

We all have them, family members that cling desperately to the family tree you’re just positive dropped from a high branch at one time or another. We all have those crazy uncles, aunts or cousins that we just don’t talk about much, but you know they’re part of your gene pool. And if you can’t […]

Getting Ready for Worship

by Steve

When a Christian sees prostitutes, alcoholics, prisoners, drug addicts, unwed mothers, the homeless, refugees, he knows that he is looking in a mirror. Perhaps the Christian spent all of his life as a respectable middle-class person. No matter. He thinks, “Spiritually I was just like these people, though physically and socially I never was where […]

Questions for Joseph

by Steve

Questions for Joseph By Max Lucado Matthew describes Jesus’ earthly father as a craftsman (Matt. 13:55). A small-town carpenter, he lives in Nazareth: a single-camel map dot on the edge of boredom. Is he the right choice? Doesn’t God have better options? An eloquent priest from Jerusalem or a scholar from the Pharisees? Why Joseph? A […]

Does God Ask Too Much?

by Steve

We must never loose sight of the fact that God engaged Mary and Joseph in a life story they did not fully understand, after all who could understand what God was up to when He decides to use an unwed teenage girl to give birth out of wedlock. It is nothing less than… Scandalous! I’m […]

The Orphaned Generation

by Steve

[youtube=] [youtube=] Description      “Scott Wilcher’s timely book, “The Orphaned Generation,” unpacks the ways adults (including senior adults) can reconnect with the hearts of the young. I recommend it strongly to every church leader and every adult in the church.”  –Richard Ross, PhD, student-ministry professor at Southwestern Seminary, Excerpts of “The Orphaned Generation” are available at […]

What drives you crazy about Christmas?

by Steve

There are just some things about Christmas that drive me Crazy! What drives you crazy about your Christmas traditions? Here’s my top 10.   (10) Re-gifting. (giving the gift nobody wants to people we don’t like) (9) The need for bigger, better, faster gadits. (I still love them anyway!) (8) Unrealistic commercials  (How many people do […]

Why Christmas?

by Steve

“How often have you wondered why Christ should set His heart upon such a one as you!” – Octavius Winslow Related posts: 2010 Christmas Blessings 21 Days of Christmas – Pregnant

Make Your Christmas Experience Authentic

by Steve

“We want a “religious” leader, not a king! We want someone to save our souls, not rule our world! Or, if we want a king, someone to take charge of our world, what we want is someone to implement the policies we already embrace, just as Jesus’s contemporaries did. But if Christians don’t get Jesus […]

Is There Room for Christ at Your Inn?

by Steve

Our expectations are critical in giving us goals and standards for which to strive. Yet we can also be blinded by our expectations too! Each Year we prepare for Christmas with a flurry of activity, partly due to fear, guilt and competition to have the best dinner party, find the best gift or have the […]

A Conversation on Pain and Suffering with Dallas Willard

by Steve

A conversation with John Ortberg and Dallas Willard about how pain and suffering in our lives are reconciled with the idea of a loving God. A Conversation on Pain and Suffering with Dallas Willard – 8:00 AM | Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. Related posts: The Gospel Journey part 2 What Kind of Church is this? […]

Simply Jesus with N. T. Wright

by Steve

How do Christians communicate Jesus to a world that doesn’t know Him? N.T. (Tom) Wright, one of the leading Bible scholars of our day, explains how a basic understanding of who Christ is can make Him more relevant to every aspect of our lives. WEmessage20111105-800k. Related posts: Make Your Christmas Experience Authentic The Challenges of […]

The Meaning of Marriage

by Steve

The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller Related posts: 10 Commandments of Marriage [part II] Marriage and the 10 Commandments [part 1] Is there a Secret Thread to Life’s Meaning?

Origins of the Moral Law

by Steve

Origins of the Moral Law. An good review of the power of the moral Law to transcend science and philosophy. It’s a good CS Lewis summary. Related posts: A Year with C.S. Lewis Finding My True Country Gratitude is a Choice! Screwtape Letters: Spirituality in Action

Give Thanks People of God!

by Steve

1 Thessalonians 5:18  Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Ephesians 5:20  Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Psalm 107:1 Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures […]

Are Christians better than other people?

by Steve

Are Christians better people because they are Christian? When we become Christians do we become better than other people? It’s certainly the accusation most non-Christians level at the church community. We are perceived as arrogant, holier-than-thou people who shake their finger at the world with a condescending tone rather than washing feet and offering grace. […]