Posts by Steve

501600 of 765 items

How do you handle Money?

by Steve

[polldaddy poll=5178932] Related posts: What do you think? Taming the Money Animal Self Esteem The Biggest Wall

Deep Roots for June 20, 2011

by Steve Related posts: Deep Roots: Spiritual Wisdom for Unquenchable Faith 5.22.11 Deep Roots: Spiritual Wisdom for Unquenchable Faith Deeper Roots for October 10, 2011 Funeral Announcement for Charles Hardman

Funeral Announcement for Charles Hardman

by Steve Related posts: Deeper Roots for October 10, 2011 Deep Roots: Spiritual Wisdom for Unquenchable Faith 5.22.11 Deep Roots for June 20, 2011 Deep Roots: Spiritual Wisdom for Unquenchable Faith

The Power of Change Part 6

by Steve

THE POWER OF C-H-A-N-G-E Part 1 – Connect I’ve always heard that religion is about reformation. But Christianity is about transformation. Those two things are not the same. The former is about what a person can do to make self-improvements – Ladder People. The latter is about a person totally yielding to the Person of […]

TEMPTED: Recognizing the Deceptive Nature of Sin

by Steve

 Week of June 19, 201     We drastically underestimate the power of sin. Sin, by its nature, hides itself. It crouches at your door; it always looks smaller than it is. Your sins are not done with you when you think you are done with them. But there is hope in the gospel. Scripture Verse          Genesis […]

The Prison

by Steve

[youtube=] “Sin is the missing of a target, a wandering from the path, a straying from the fold. Sin is a hard heart and stiff neck. Sin is blindness and deafness. It is both the overstepping of a line and the failure to reach it – both transgression and shortcoming. Sin is a beast crouching […]

The Story of Life & God

by Steve

The Story (Extravagant Grace!). The Story of God calls to us every moment of our lives. It whispers to us on the wind, invites us through the laughter of good friends, reaches out to us through the touch of someone we love. We’ve heard it in our favorite music, sensed it at the birth of […]

The Invitation

by Steve

The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way. (J. R. R. Tolkien) The Sacred Romance calls to us every moment of our lives. It […]

What is Gratitude?

by Steve

Are you a grateful person? Can you list the 10 things you will miss the most when you die? “Gratitude changes the way we start the day, spend the day, and look back at the day. It defines us as people who value our relationship with God and those He’s placed around us.” – Nancy Leigh […]

A Pivotal Moment: The Lord’s Supper

by Steve

 see Luke 22:14-34 the Cross became for the early church a symbol of hope, life and transformation. Yet it was to those outside the church a symbol of death, humiliation, and condemnation, certainly nothing to rally behind. So what made the Cross so powerfula symbol that people would change their lives because of it. Will […]

Imagine Heaven

by Steve

The crisis of hope that afflicts the church today is a crisis of imagination. Catholic philosopher Peter Kreeft writes:   Medieval imagery (which is almost totally biblical imagery) of light, jewels, stars, candles, trumpets, and angels no longer fits our ranch-style, supermarket world. Pathetic modern substitutes of fluffy clouds, sexless cherubs, harps and metal halos […]

Messy Relationships Part 3

by Steve

Regardless of what anyone says, life is messy and we all have messes in our lives. Anyone that tells you otherwise is either in denial and/or a liar. Sometimes the mess is one of our own making through something we did or didn’t do, said or didn’t say. Other times we are thrust into the […]

Is the Bible for Real?

by Steve

Can we believe the Bible? How can we know it is anything more than a collection of sayings and stories? Can we truly believe that the Bible is the Word of God?  There are many reasons I believe in the Bible. Here are a few: Composition. It was composed over sixteen centuries by forty authors […]

Heavenly Banquet

by Steve

Imagine the stories that we’ll hear. And all the questions that shall finally have answers. “What were you thinking when you drove the old Ford out on the ice?” “Did you hear that Betty and Dan got back together? But of course you did-you were probably involved in that, weren’t you?” “How come you never […]

Deep Roots: Spiritual Wisdom for Unquenchable Faith 5.22.11

by Steve

Are you Ready to go deeper than the surface will reveal? Are you ready to go further than your eyes can currently See? It’s time for Deep Roots! Related posts: Deep Roots: Spiritual Wisdom for Unquenchable Faith Deep Roots for June 20, 2011 Deeper Roots for October 10, 2011 Funeral Announcement for Charles Hardman

Messy Spirituality 2: Dealing with Doubts

by Steve

Regardless of what anyone says, life is messy and we all have messes in our lives. Anyone that tells you otherwise is either in denial and/or a liar. Sometimes the mess is one of our own making through something we did or didn’t do, said or didn’t say. Other times we are thrust into the […]

Building a Better Church: Connections

by Steve

I spoke to a man the other day who does market research (focus groups and interviews) with a wide range of people: what they like and don’t like; what they think and feel about various things. He said that overwhelmingly what people want more than anything else is belonging: to fit in and be accepted; […]

A Better You & Me

by Steve

Leo Tolstoy once said: “Everyone thinks of changing the world, no one thinks of changing himself.” God wants to do greater things in our community and in our church, but He also wants greater things in our homes, and in our marriages, in our families, in our finances, and in our future. It has to […]

Messy Spirituality 1

by Steve

Regardless of what anyone says, life is messy and we all have messes in our lives. Anyone that tells you otherwise is either in denial and/or a liar. Sometimes the mess is one of our own making through something we did or didn’t do, said or didn’t say. Other times we are thrust into the […]

And They Lived Happily Ever After…

by Steve

 And they lived happily ever after. Stop for just a moment, and let it be true. They lived happily ever after.  These may be the most beautiful and haunting words in the entire library of mankind. Why does the end of a great story leave us with a lump in our throats and an ache […]

30 Hour Famine Team

by Steve

Beginning Friday morning at 8:00 am, members and friends of the First United Methodist Church Family will come together to fast and pray for all those who suffer and die from hunger and hunger related diseases. We do this as an act of submission, trusting God to work within us a passion to do all […]

The Power of CHANGE Part 1

by Steve

THE POWER OF C-H-A-N-G-E Part 1 – Connect I’ve always heard that religion is about reformation. But Christianity is about transformation. Those two things are not the same. The former is about what a person can do to make self-improvements – Ladder People. The latter is about a person totally yielding to the Person of […]

Welcome to the 2011 National Day of Prayer

by Steve

Opening Statements: The prayers of God’s people in the Bible were offered at all hours, in every season and in every circumstance of human life. These prayers bear witness to the reality that a life of faith is built upon a heart of prayer.  WHY PRAY? 1. We pray because we recognize that there is […]

The Power of CHANGE Part 2

by Steve

THE POWER OF C-H-A-N-G-E Part 1 – Connect Part 2 – Help Others I’ve always heard that religion is about reformation. But Christianity is about transformation. Those two things are not the same. The former is about what a person can do to make self-improvements – Ladder People. The latter is about a person totally […]

Transformed by Baptism

by Steve

Transformed by Baptism Sermon based on Acts 8:26-39 Audio Podcast and Sermon Notes available here Sermon Slides             Worship 05.01.11 Baptism Baptism Liturgy Slides         Remember Your Baptism Liturgy For many people Baptism was something that was done a long time ago and has since lost it’s meaning and significance for their lives. Our goal is to […]

Sermon Player –

by Steve

[gigya width=”320″ height=”397″ src=”” quality=”high” flashvars=”clientid=20139&d=” align=”middle” wmode=”transparent” allowScriptAccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” ] Related posts: Sermon Player – Sermon Player – Sermon Player – Sermon Player –

Six Habits: Serve in a Ministry

by Steve

Six Habits of a Transformed Life The Six Habits of a Transformed Life are at the heart of our Christian Journey. Nobody gets very far in life without some effort, commitment and follow through. They are ancient disciplines that Christ followers have practiced for centuries and all are proven effective in transforming the mundane and […]

What it means to be the Church

by Steve

From The Apology of Aristides the Philosopher to Emperor Hadrian, 125 A.D.: Further, if one or other of them have bondmen or bondwomen or children, through love towards them they persuade them to become Christians, and when they have done so, they call them brethren without distinction. They do not worship strange gods, and they go their […]

Pastor’s Easter Letter

by Steve

With so much going on it’s hard to see Easter as anything more than just another holiday, another family dinner, or another harbinger of spring. But Easter was never meant to be just a spiritual bump on the road to self-fulfillment, it was meant to be a whole new road. Easter is the perfect time […]

Good News for Ladder People – Easter 2011

by Steve

Good News for Ladder People! Since we are utterly incapable of living the glorious lives God wills for us, God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we’re in and restored us to where he always […]

Sermon Slides: The Importance of Hell

by Steve

Audio Podcast available here Based on Luke 16:19-31   Worship 04.17.11 Myths 6 Hell 2 Blessing of the Palms What is hell, then? It is God actively giving us up to what we have freely chosen-to go our own way, be our own “the master of our fate, the captain of our soul,” to get […]

Six Habits: Give Generously

by Steve

Generosity is a path that takes you closer to God, always unfolding in new and exciting ways. The more you stop focusing your sight on your possessions and wealth, the more you will see the gift of God and the purpose for which they were created. Jesus recognizes giving as an action of the heart, […]

Doctrine of Hell Sermon Slides

by Steve

April 10, 2011 Worship 04.10.11 Myths 5 Hell Sermon Audio Related posts: Sermon Slides: The Importance of Hell Baptism: Beyond Words Love Forgives – Sermon Slides Breaking Free: The Addiction of Sin

How to Develop a Great Tag Line

by Steve

Will Mancini is a “clarity evangelist” and does his job well, helping ministries and organizations send the right message via effective methods. He recently wrote about how to develop an effective tagline for your church or ministry… Sometimes conversations that mix marketing and ministry don’t go well. In this post, I will not being dealing […]

Six Habits: Awaken the Sleeping Giant

by Steve

A Sleeping Giant     There is a sleeping giant in today’s Church – the unfulfilled potential [unrealized ‘sending’ capacity] of God’s people. Imagine releasing this capacity, even a small percentage of it. Consider the impact of passionate Jesus-followers sharing their story of fellowship and faith and becoming “sent” leaders in their communities. What would be the […]

Baptism: Beyond Words

by Steve

Sermon Slides for Sunday April 3, 2011 Audio Podcast can be found by Clicking Here Worship 04.03.11 Myths 4 Baptism Related posts: Transformed by Baptism Remember Your Baptism Doctrine of Hell Sermon Slides Remember Your Baptism

Is Church Worth It?

by Steve

Related posts: The Future Church, Part 2 Who Needs Church? part 2 I don’t need to go to church! Part II Who Needs Church? part 1

6 Habits: Spend Time with God Daily

by Steve

Many of us struggle to find the time to read the Bible and pray daily. Often we start with unrealistic goals or expectations. We try to fit another activity into our already hectic schedules and simply cannot find an open block that size. That leads to guilt and guilt leads to isolation and isolation leads […]

Six Habits of a Transformed Life

by Steve

Six Habits of a Transformed Life The Six Habits of a Transformed Life are at the heart of our Christian Journey. Nobody gets very far in life without some effort, commitment and follow through. They are ancient disciplines that Christ followers have practiced for centuries and all are proven effective in transforming the mundane and […]

The Reason for God: True Faith

by Steve

Here’s a topic sure to wet your theological appetite:    How can you say there is only One way to God?    What about other religions?    Objections: People say that since there are so many ways to find God, Christianity is only one among many valid options. The other religions of the world have […]

New Spirit Church

by Steve

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.” (Ezek. 36:26-27) Imagine […]

Prayer for Japan

by Steve

March 11, 2011 As you have heard by now, Japan has experienced a devastating tsunami that was the result of an 8.9 magnitude offshore quake. The tsunami came ashore with a tidal surge as high as 23 feet, destroying virtually everything in its path. The number of dead and missing will likely reach into the […]

Haiti Mission Society Video

by Steve

a great commercial I did when I returned from my Trip to Haiti, February 1-9, 2011   [youtube=] Related posts: 2012 Haiti Video Expectations of a Haiti Mission Trip Expectations of a Haiti Mission Team II 2012 Mission Initiative – Haiti

Hear His Voice

by Steve

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27 If you had an opportunity to follow Jesus, would you do it? Sounds like an easy one to answer, until you think about it. And that’s the problem isn’t it, we don’t think about it. Most of us think of […]

Feeding the Fish

by Steve Related posts: Disciples Fish!

Sermon Player –

by Steve

[gigya width=”320″ height=”397″ src=”” quality=”high” flashvars=”clientid=20139&d=” align=”middle” wmode=”transparent” allowScriptAccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” ] Related posts: Sermon Player – Sermon Player – Sermon Player – Sermon Player –

Top Websites

by Steve

Top 10 Websites to Stay Connected I am not a “web surfer,” but I do realize the need to use the internet to assist my knowledge and strengthen my sense of connection to a world that is increasingly “cyber.” I am also not inclined to spend a lot of time on the internet, but without […]

Love as a Verb

by Steve

My friend and I sat across the table chatting over lunch.  With February being the “month of love” we began to discuss our plans (or lack of plans at that point) for Valentine’s Day weekend.  Eventually we moved into sharing some marriage lessons we’ve learned throughout our combined 45 years of marriage.  Without thinking much […]

A Far Country

by Steve

“Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.” John 12:26  Every time I read this statement by Jesus I have to stop and wonder whether he’s talking directly to me. There are times I feel I’ve lost the sound […]

A New Year, A New Body

by Steve

What’all this talk about a new body? Do we change bodies? Is the new one different than this one? Will I recognize anyone? Will anyone recognize me? “He will take these dying bodies of ours and change them into glorious bodies like his own” (Phil. 3:21 TLB). Your body will be changed. You will not […]

The Serenity of Winter

by Steve

Winter has come again to my life and blanketed the whole thing in an inch or four of snow. It’s cold and deathly quiet. Not many people out. I’ve just come in out of the cold after about one and half hours of shoveling the white glory with my son Alex. He’s thinking about food, […]

What Happens at Death?

by Steve

Into the Warm Arms of God by Max Lucado What about my loved ones who have died? Where are they now? In the time between our death and Christ’s return, what happens? Scripture is surprisingly quiet about this phase of our lives. When speaking about the period between the death of the body and the […]

2010 Christmas Blessings

by Steve

Grace and Peace to You this Holiday Season!       As the world bustles around you in search of love and meaning, may your heart rejoice with the true love of Christmas. May the coming of God’s light fill you with unquenchable hope and bring you moments of inexpressible joy that fills your heart with peace […]

Foundations: Baptism

by Steve

Foundations: Baptism. Related posts: Baptism Celebration Remember Your Baptism Transformed by Baptism Remember Your Baptism

Christmas Eve Prayer

by Steve

Almighty God, We gather this evening in the cold and dark of winter to sing songs of joy and hope, to bring light into the darkness and to bring warmth and hope to the hearts of those troubled by doubts and fear. May each candle be a prayer for peace and a sign of our […]

A Taste of CS Lewis

by Steve

CS Lewis is without a doubt my favorite writer. Notice I did not say my favorite Christian writer as if that made him a lesser author. CS Lewis’ keen mind and use of allegory and clarity of storytelling revealed so much about the nature of God, myself and the world I live in that I […]

Facts or Myths

by Steve

“When people cannot get facts, they will settle for myths. When people are faced with facts, they will often prefer the myths they are being asked to reject in favor of facts.” — James Hudnut-Beumler  Today more than ever before the church is changing. It is also changing so fast that no one is able […]

2010 Family Christmas Letter

by Steve

Well it’s been Another Interesting Year, I suppose Katelin wins the prize for the most significant life changes this year. In March, Katelin visited the University of Rochester to interview for a position in their graduate program in Psychology. She was very surprised when they called the next day and offered her a full-time research […]

Bible Trivia

by Steve

How old was Moses when he died? A: He was 120 years old, according to the Bible (Deuteronomy 34:7). How tall was Goliath, the Philistine giant slain by David with a stone hurled from a sling? A: “Six cubits and a span,” What biblical Babylonian king cast Daniel into the lion’s den for praying to […]

My Relationship

by Steve

When we joined the church we make a sacred vow to live our lives by a certain set of values, to treat each other as disciples of Jesus and to work together for the good of all. Sounds pretty impressive doesn’t it? But how many take those vows seriously, take their word seriously or take […]

Church Paradigm: Health Club Model

by Steve

Health Club Model Lutheran pastor Michael Foss argues that the central challenge facing many congregations today is to shift their dominant paradigm from being cultures of membership to cultures of discipleship. When Foss describes what he means by a culture of membership, he turns to the model of the now-ubiquitous health club. Writes Foss: “I […]

My Problem with Delegation

by Steve

Why is it so difficult?  And why are am I so bad at it?  Here are three very simple reasons… Kent Fenwick writes:  I will confess that I find it hard to delegate and ask for help. Many times I take the “It’ll be better if I do it myself attitude.” Delegation is a habit […]

Life-Giving Water

by Steve

“Jesus stood up and shouted, “If you are thirsty, come to me and drink! Have faith in me, and you will have life-giving water flowing from deep inside you!” John 7:37  We are told to do two things: (1) Let him come to Me and (2) drink. They are connected. Jesus tells us to come […]

A Laughing Matter

by Steve

The church as an institution is all about management. How do we manage the future? As a consequence we get an elevated opinion of what we do verse who we are. I think Jesus wanted us to see ourselves from God’s perspective and perhaps have a good belly laugh at all we do and how […]

Forgiven or Forgetful?

by Steve

 Have I really forgiven someone if a situation causes me to remember it and feel the pain all over again?  Yes. Forgiveness does not mean the same thing as being forgetful. It would be foolish to be hurt by an abusive relationship to which you return again and again. You will obviously retain the some […]

Ten Missional Prayers for the Church

by Steve

I found this so important that I wanted others to read it too. ~s  By Dr. James Emery White  1.         That pastors would see other churches in their immediate vicinity as a co-laborer, not as the competition.  2.         That members of churches would see themselves as ministers and missionaries, dying to themselves for the sake […]

Learner – Doer

by Steve

The Greek word for disciple is ‘mathetes’ which means a Learner – Doer. Not just someone who acquires lot of knowledge! Disciple actually comes from the word discipline. One definition is this: “A disciple is one who undertakes the discipline of his/her teacher.” Discipleship is about learning through discipline learning how to follow a teacher […]

Healing the Hurts

by Steve

Audio sermon available at  “Our life is full of brokenness – broken relationships, broken promises, broken expectations. How can we live with that brokenness without becoming bitter and resentful except by returning again and again to God’s faithful presence in our lives.” ~ Henri Nouwen  I spent this morning trying to repair some plastic […]

Wedding Day Prayer

by Steve

Dear God, Please make of our relationship a great and holy adventure. May our joining be a sacred space. May the two of us find rest here, a haven for our souls.  Remove from us any temptation to judge one another or to direct one another. We surrender to You our conflicts and our burdens. […]

Preaching Like a Prophet

by Steve

 We dare not be silent about injustices, if only we can see them as God does. [John Ortberg | posted 9/06/2010]  Think about the basic human emotions we get to preach on: joy, sadness, comfort, anger, and serenity. Now think about the prophets—which emotion most often characterizes them? A few examples: “Hear this word, you […]

Mistakes in Ministry

by Steve

There are no “do-overs” in life and ministry. But there are always opportunities to learn, correct, and improve. So here are seven of the key mistakes I made as a senior pastor. Obviously, the list is not exhaustive. Seven just seemed to be a good, biblical number. Seven for Starters As I began thinking about […]

The Blind-Side?

by Steve

“a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” Luke 13:11-12 This passage is part of a bigger discussion […]

The TRUTH about Church

by Steve

Deep Roots is a discipleship ministry of First United Methodist Church calling God’s people to find the depth of God’s heart and produce fruit of Kingdom Living. “This is what the LORD says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the […]

Deep Root – Micah

by Steve

Through the prophet Micah God speaks from His heart of the frustration He feels for people he has loved and cared for yet who still stubbornly resist His gentles ways. They want to make God’s love and favor harder to achieve. Bigger gifts will earn bigger favor. In the process we make God out to […]

Real Right and Wrong

by Steve

From Deep Roots Newsletter Whenever you find a person who says they do not believe in a real Right or Wrong, you will find the same person going back on this a moment later. He may break his promise to you, but if you try breaking one to him he will be complaining “it’s not […]

Judgment and Mercy Combined

by Steve

“Should I not be concerned about that great city?”  Jonah 4:11  The book of Jonah ends with a question that speaks to the heart of what God is trying to do. Can God’s Holiness and Righteousness ever be reconciled with God’s Love and Compassion? Jonah is angry because he perceives that God has grown soft […]

Prepare the Fields

by Steve

“Finish your outdoor work and get your fields ready; after that, build your house.”  Proverbs 24:27  At first glance this may appear to be an admonition to be more industrious, produce a good crop, work hard before taking it easy and building your house. Does it make sense to you to work on your house […]

Are You Normal?

by Steve

Are There No “Normal” People! I get a frightening amount of spiritual fodder from comic strips. I suppose because in their use of humor they reveal the reality of the human condition and try to show us the silliness of most of what we do. Pearls Before Swines The inspiration for the comic strip title […]

Jonah Runs from God

by Steve

What’s it like to run from God and encounter a Whale? Did it really happen or is this just another fish story? Can you believe the Bible? Well I’m glad you asked… Mt 12: Jesus said it happened (Jonah swallowed by a great fish) A few facts about Blue Whales (I’m not suggesting it was […]

Can we Begin Again?

by Steve

“The Land of Begin Again” by Louisa Tarkington “I wish that there were some wonderful place called the land of Begin Again, where all our mistakes and all our heartaches and all our poor selfish grief…. Could be dropped like a shabby old coat at the door and never be put on again. I wish […]

Jonah: One Prayer

by Steve

Sermon Notes for July 25, 2010, see Igniting a Passion for Christ and His Church n Prayer plows the Hard Ground of a contented Parched – a crisis leave us dry, barren and alone. Weed-infested – the pace of life grows things we never intended Fallow – without use, we can forget that our […]

Commissioning Service 2010

by Steve

The following link will provide a video of the Commissioning Service June 12, 2010. The Bishop of the Illinois Conference, Bishop Palmer preached a wonderful message on the call of God.  The first part is part of the business session which you can skip through.  Enjoy. Related posts: Commissioning Service 2010 Asbury Seminary Graduation […]

We Have a Mission

by Steve

We reach out to people and welcome them into the church We have a direct responsibility for people of the “world” around our church, the community in which we study, work, shop, play, and so forth. In this world are people with many hurts, doubts, and questions. There are some who are new in the […]

2010 Asbury Seminary Graduation Video

by Steve

The Video of Steve’s Graduation Ceremony from Asbury Seminary in Wilmore, KY on May 22, 2010 can be found on iTunes at Go to Asbury Chapel Archives Video Look for 2010 Spring Commencement (KY Campus) Steve has his name read and walks across the stage to receive his diploma at 54 minutes and ~ […]

Jonah: Finding God in a Whale of a Problem

by Steve

Igniting a Passion for Christ and His Church n Is the Great Fish God’s Punishment or Grace? Punishment – God causes pain to keep us in line and on task. Gift – God uses pain to reveal our deepest need and His Presence n In the Belly of a Whale Jonah finds Immanuel “Where can […]

What Kind of God do I know?

by Steve

Stephen Covey once said “We see the world not as it is, but as we are.” How we see the world, how we believe it works and our place in it affects our relationships, our happiness and our Joy. So obviously the question for today is: How do you see God?  How do you see […]

Jonah: The Reluctant Disciple

by Steve

We’re beginning a series in Jonah, and so I spent much of the last weeks digging into why men and women of faith run from God. As I studied and allowed the Word to sink in to my own journey of faith, the Lord impressed several things upon my heart that I thought I would […]

Commissioning Service

by Steve

Click here to view these pictures larger Related posts: Commissioning Service 2010 Ash Wednesday Service 2012 Raymond Parrish Memorial Service Mandie Johnson Funeral Service

What Kind of Church is this?

by Steve

A Place of Healing for those in crisis, grieving or suffering from broken dreams or shattered relationships. [Read 1 Samuel 16:14 & 23] [14] Now the Spirit of the LORD had departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD tormented him. [23] Whenever the spirit from God came upon Saul, David would take […]

10 Ways the Internet is changing Evangelism and Missions

by Steve

Evangelism, Missions, and the Internet Information – The Internet is bringing an enormous amount of timely strategic information into the hands of even the smallest church or mission agency. Ratiocination – People “think aloud” in cyberspace. The theology and practice (including ecclesiology and missiology) of most Christians is now primarily formed as a peer-to-peer online […]

Memorial Day Prayer

by Steve

Dear Heavenly Father, As we remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, we think of how they have followed in the footsteps of your son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Please hold our service men and women in your strong arms. Cover them with your sheltering grace and presence as they stand […]

Why the Internet Matters to the Church

by Steve

It is the biggest worldwide phenomenon of the century so far. • It took radio 38 years to reach 50 million users. • Television took 13 years to reach 50 million users. • It took four years for the Internet to reach 50 million users. • In three years, the iPod reached 50 million users. […]

Disciples Fish!

by Steve

   1. Fishermen of the Desert They have never encountered a fish. They have no frame of reference for talking about fishing. Fishing is completely meaningless. 2. Agnostic Fishermen Because they do not see fish by looking at the water’s surface, they abandon the activity of fishing. It is foolish to do what you cannot […]

Now it begins…

by Steve

Following the 40 days in the desert, Jesus began His ministry. Jesus was both focused and energized to proclaim boldly what was confirmed in the desert. Jesus was no longer distracted by voices heard in the desert, but knew his mission and the voice of the One to whom He would seek guidance and help. […]

God’s Power in Your Weakness

by Steve

God loves to use weak people! [Like Us]    “I am with you; that is all you need. My power shows up best in weak people.” 2 Corinthians 12:9a (LB)    A weakness is any limitation that you inherited or have no power to change. Everyone has weaknesses. In fact, you have a bundle of […]

Think like a Servant

by Steve

Service starts in your mind!    “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” Philippians 2:5-7 (NIV)    Real servants […]

How Real Servants Act

by Steve

We serve God by serving others!    “You can tell what they are by what they do.” Matthew 7:16 (CEV)    In our self-serving culture with its me-first mentality, acting like a servant is not a popular concept. Jesus, however, measured greatness in terms of service, not status. God determines your greatness by how many […]

Accepting Your Assignment

by Steve

 You were put on earth to make a contribution!    “It is God himself who made us what we are and given us new lives from Christ Jesus; and long ages ago he planned that we should spend these lives in helping others.” Ephesians 2:10 (LB)    You were created to serve God. “God has […]

It Takes Time

by Steve

There are no shortcuts to maturity!    “I am sure that God who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in his grace until his task within you is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns.” Philippians 1:6 (LB)    It takes years for us to grow […]