Posts by Steve

701765 of 765 items

Enjoy the Silence – Day 3

by Steve

Lectio Divina Today’s Reading is from Isaiah 6:1-8 Take time to read the passage 3 times. What words, phrases, or images from the text jump off the page to you. What “me” phrases are filling your life today? Isaiah had a God shaped vision that changed his life. The seraphs were crying, “the whole earth […]

30 Day Challenge – Day 2

by Steve

Lectio Divina This morning’s mediation is from Jeremiah 31:16-25 The weeping prophet speaks of hope and of a Father that does not forget his children. The Father has spoken of the pending disaster that comes to those who reject Him and speaks of the folly of youth. I certainly have been guilty of my share […]

VBS Video Summary

by Steve

Enjoy! Related posts: Life in a Six word Summary 2010 Asbury Seminary Graduation Video Best VBS Moment…. Our 2012 Family Video

30 Day Experiment: Day 1

by Steve

For the next 30 days I will be taking the Lectio Divina Challenge. Praying through and listening to God through the Scriptures. I hope you will look for updates and begin a dialog about the Scriptures. Luke 8:4-15 (NIV) While a large crowd was gathering and people were coming to Jesus from town after town, […]

Best VBS Moment….

by Steve

Please share with us your Favorite Vacation Bible School moments. Read the stories from others and share your stories. I hope they will encourage you and remind you that in all things chaotic and otherwise, God is Good All the Time, All the Time, God is Good. So Speak Out! Related posts: Why VBS? The […]

Why VBS?

by Steve

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of something so bizarre that you wonder how you ever got there? Sometimes those moments are tragic and find yourself just hanging on day by day. Sometimes they are golden moments of joy that reminds us that God comes to us in the most amazing ways and […]

Lectio Divina

by Steve

As part of a course I’m taking at Asbury Seminary, I’ve been engaged in a personal journey through the ancient practice of Lectio Divina or Sacred Reading. Lectio Divina assumes that the scriptures want to speak to us personally, not just teach us, but through God’s voice of compassion and conviction engage us and love […]

That’s Your Opinion!

by Steve

[youtube=] Opinion n belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge Truth n the state of being the case : (2): the body of real things, events, and facts What you choose to believe about Jesus and what he shows us about life is the most important decision of your life.  When Jesus says, “I […]

Are you a Pietist?

by Steve

I am a pietist. I once tried to recover from my pietist upbringing, trading it in for something more grand (like Eastern Orthodoxy). Alas, I can not help myself. I am a pietist in my bones. It was bred into me, and I don’t think I could ever divest myself of my pietist heritage. But […]

Church Personality

by Steve

In his new book, “What is Your Church’s Personality? Discovering and Developing the Ministry Style of Your Church”, Philip D. Douglass defines eight different types of church personalities. Here they are: Fellowship Churches are conscientious, hard-working, orderly, and sensitive to the needs of the people in general, but especially those who are members of their […]

On the Cutting Edge of Ministry

by Steve

65% of Churches Have a Big Screen, Up Just 3% from 2005 Mark Driscoll has said that every church will be cutting edge of some year. Some churches are the cutting edge of 2008. Others are the cutting edge of 1954. Yet others are the cutting edge of 1875. No matter what, your church is […]

Fragrance of Grace

by Steve

Grace is not a philosophical construct that you can mentally get you head around [ you can’t] and say you understand it [you won’t]. Grace is beyond our understand and is totally illogical that’s what makes it so wonderful. God bypasses the “what ifs” and the “yea but…” and “but how…” and appeals to the […]

Why do I exist?

by Steve

We talk alot about church growth, about motivation of the frozen chosen, and living as faithful discipleship in the post-modern world. All good questions to be sure, but I have come to believe that the questions behind all other questions is “why are we here?” It seems simple enough really. Surely everyone knows why they are […]

Methodists by Garrison Keillor

by Steve

  We make fun of Methodists for their blandness, their excessive calm, their fear of giving offense, their lack of speed, and also for their secret fondness for macaroni and cheese.    But nobody sings like them. If you were to ask an audience in New York City, a relatively Methodist-less place, to sing along on […]

15 Signs that your church lacks Vision

by Steve

#15 – No one is ever challenged to radically rearrange their lives to be a part of what God is doing. #14 – God hasn’t asked you to give something up. #13 – Everyone in your church is perfect. (If you are truly reaching lost people then you will discover that ministry is messy.) #12 […]

What do you mean?

by Steve

Isn’t it amazing how different words take on different meanings to different people? I suppose that’s because our different backgrounds and experiences color our point of view and we just “see” different means. The problem arises when we assume our interpretation is the only one there is and that others should see the world as we do […]

Going to the Promised Land?

by Steve

I think everyone, deep inside, is looking for the promised land. It’s a place we dream of, a place where home means is more than a mortgage and community is more than a stop on the career path. For some it is a metaphor for heaven, a place we only realized upon death; for others it is […]

Self-Esteem Equation

by Steve

You’ve heard of the formula E=MC2. It is the equation for the relationship between mass (physical stuff)and energy (spiritual stuff). This isn’t exactly how Albert Einstein described it, but it still suits for our discussion. But have you heard of E=MC3 ~ the Self-Esteem Equation?  If you have, it probably wasn’t in science class. Let […]

Prayer of Jabez ~ Enlarge My Territory

by Steve

“… and enlarge my territory!” Jabez not only asks God to bless him, but to enlarge his territory. How big is your sphere of influence? Whose lives do you impact and why? Do you just touch the lives of family or are your reaching beyond?  A plea for more territory is a plea for God to enlarge your […]

Prayer of Jabez – Territory

by Steve

Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.”   1Chronicles 4:10  Imagine you went to your mother and asked for more chores […]

Prayer of Jabez ~ Blessed

by Steve

Who doesn’t want to be blessed and have God’s favor? Those who received the blessing of the Lord in the Bible seemed to have amazing lives and were able to touch other’s as a result. Where will we be if we just ask God every now and then for His blessing? I’m not talking about […]

Prayer of Jabez Part II

by Steve

Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, “Because I bore him in pain.” And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me […]

Prayer of Jabez Part 1

by Steve

The Prayer of Jabez Breaking Through to the Blessed Life, by Bruce Wilkinson (Multnomah, 2000) This simple little book caused quite a stir a few years ago. Anything popular does. Is it theologically based or driven by a desire to manipulate God into responding to a formula we say like a mantra? Well, like all […]

Prosperity Gospel?

by Steve

The HOT topic among the Asbury students this January is PROSPERITY GOSPEL. If you aren’t familiar with Prosperity theology here it is in a nutshell: the Wikipedia definition. Prosperity theology, also known as prosperity doctrine or the Prosperity Gospel, is the doctrine that prosperity, particularly financial prosperity, and success in business or personal life is […]

Are we there yet?

by Steve

If you’ve ever had the joy of travelling with kids on a long trip then you know the monotonous question that is always on their lips, “Are we there yet!” Most little kids don’t fully realize that a 10 hour trip is necessary for getting to the beach. They aren’t acquainted with the discipline to make […]

Does God Need Us?

by Steve

First from the prophet Jeremiah who speaks of being called, being forced to become a prophet of God, despite his strongest protestation: If I say, “I will not mention him or speak any more in his name,” there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I […]

God’s Righteousness

by Steve

Lewis is a big supporter of the notion that all human beings have within them a twinge of the Divine spark that helps us recognize the difference between right and wrong behavior. There are some differences to be sure, just like there are differences in people who have the ability to be muscially inclined, but […]

A Year with C.S. Lewis

by Steve

“Suppose We really Found Him?”    “There comes a moment when people who have been dabbling in religion suddenly draw back. Supposing we really found Him? We never meant it to come to that! Worse still, supposing He had found us?” – Miracles    Lewis suggest that for the most part we’re just playing around […]

Resolutions for 2008

by Steve

I’m not really a big one for resolutions. Usually because I make loft commitments that I think sound good on paper, but which I really don’t intend to keep.  Still if you don’t make any resolutions then you are either (1) Perfect – I don’t need to change anything and everyone else can learn from […]

I don’t need to go to church! Part III

by Steve

Reason #3: “I haven’t found a church I really like, a church that fits me just right” “I haven’t found a church I really like, a church that fits my own personal style and tastes.” This is the third most common phrase I hear from lukewarm Christians as to why they haven’t committed to a […]

I don’t need to go to church! Part II

by Steve

Reason #2   “I don’t need to be a part of a church to be a Christian” “I don’t need to be a part of a church to be a Christian.” This was my favorite reason for skipping church as a high school student. Thankfully, my parents never bought it. This remains a popular excuse today. […]

I don’t need to go to church!

by Steve

If we are to engage aworld that seems so bent on its own destruction, then we must also take an honest look at ourselved and the reasons why people shy away from becoming involved in the local church. I suppose there are countless reasons why people become disconnected from the church they once attended or […]

A Random Walk Through Life?

by Steve

     Sometimes my life has resembled what my Graduate School professor used to call “a random walk through life.” What he meant was there appears to be no rhyme or reason for what happens; there is no apparent plan.      Is life suppose to have a plan? Does your life resemble a stage performance, all choreographed […]

The Future Church, Part 2

by Steve

More Missional and Less Consumeristic The consumer-Christian will not survive in the next ten years. You might ask, “What is a Consumer-Christian?” In our church, it is the person who “church shops” for a church that meets his needs. Church is all about them. When the church doesn’t work for them anymore, they shop for […]

The Church Exists for Missions

by Steve

In discussions of the mission of the church, Emil Brunner is often quoted: “The church exists for mission, as fire exists for burning.”    What did Brunner mean? I doubt he meant what some who use his quote mean. For many, “mission” is the central activity of the church (good, perhaps), without which the church […]

Gratitude is a Choice!

by Steve

Psychologist says a life of gratitude is a choice Robert A. Emmons writes in book that thankfulness can lead to healthier lives By ANITA CURTIS Dallas Morning News Nov. 9, 2007 If happiness is a choice, then why doesn’t everyone simply make that choice? Robert A. Emmons answers that question in his new book, Thanks! […]

Are you being Served?

by Steve

Many people have the misconception that being “called” by God is something only missionaries, pastors, nuns, and other church leaders experience. But the Bible says everyone is called to serve God by serving others. We are not saved by serving, but we are saved for serving. The basis for serving others is salvation. You cannot […]

Let’s Go Missional

by Steve

I am hopeful that “missional” language, concepts, and practices will provide a framework for our church to fulfill its calling to engage our homes, neighborhoods and communities and “world” in meaningful, transformational ways. “Going missional” reflects the heart of FUMC’s connecting and equipping ministries.   To use Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s language: “The church is only the […]


by Steve

Balance  (n):  The difference in magnitude between opposing forces or influences.   Sometimes churches can become so mired down in achieving balance that it loses it way. Mission gives way to harmony and balance is elevated as the greatest good, but a quick study of the gospel’s reveals that Jesus’ ministry was anything but balanced! […]

Extravagant Grace

by Steve

Extravagant — going beyond what is deserved or expected Grace — given freely without reservation or restraint, unmerited favor of God     [Philip Yancey]   We are accustomed to finding a catch in every promise, but in Jesus’ stories of extravagant grace there is no catch, no loophole disqualifying us from God’s love. Each has at […]

On Silence

by Steve

 “Silence requires the discipline to recognize the urge to get up and go again as a temptation to look elsewhere for what is close at hand. It offers the freedom to stroll in your own inner yard, and to rake up the leaves there and clear the paths so you can easily find the way […]

The Future Church, Part 1

by Steve

From Greg Goeschel: What will the local church look like in the next ten to twenty years? This week I’ll offer some of my theories. I’m writing from an American perspective. (Those of you around the world can help broaden my perspective.) Many of you will disagree. Please express your theories and we’ll learn from […]

Like Christ or Like Ourselves?

by Steve

The following is an email discussion I had recently that so touched and challenged me that I wanted to share it with the larger community. I hope you enter the discussion….         I was wondering if we are trying to make people more like Christ or are we trying to make people more like […]

Tools to Break Barriers

by Steve

Athletes often describe hitting a “wall” of performance. It is a barrier where no apparent amount of effort appears able to push through the pain of the moment. Athletes who hit such a barrier either surrender or they devise new understandings of the mind and disciplines of the body to help break through the barriers […]

Turkey or Ham?

by Steve

What does Extravagant Grace mean to you?    We’ve been planning a Thanksgiving dinner for some of the international students at the local college. I was talking with a family that is very connected with this group about possible menu options. We started with the traditional Thanksgiving feast:  stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and of course Turkey. But […]

Lifestyle Evangelism

by Steve

Do you think it is possible to accurately share your faith with nonbelievers by doing good deeds and letting others see Jesus in your life without actually explaining the gospel? Saint Francis is quoted by many saying, “Preach the Gospel at all times and if necessary use words.” Can we share our faith biblically by […]

Breaking the 200 Barrier

by Steve

“Every church should see growth as a never-ending process. Persistent efforts, constant prayer, and appropriate changes should characterize our lives and churches. And we can have strong faith that God will reward our labors.”     Churches face a variety of conditions that can prevent numerical increase-called “growth barriers.” The lack of adequate parking or ample […]

US Churches Face Crises

by Steve

U.S. Churches Face Crisis by Linda Green NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS, March 21, 2006)    The fact that 43 percent of United Methodist churches in America did not receive a member by profession of faith in 2004 is an indicator that congregations are in trouble, say leaders of the denomination’s discipleship agency.    Both the Rev. […]

The Oddness of Pews

by Steve

When I look at the pews in the church, and then actually try to sit in a few, all these emotions come into my mind. These things are so small. You have to kind of shuffle sideways in to get into them and I’m not very good at shuffling. I talked to someone from this […]

Learning from Mistakes

by Steve

“Those who believe in the Son of God have the testimony of God in them.” (1 John 5:10a GW) “Your lives are echoing the Master’s Word …. The news of your faith in God is out. We don’t even have to say anything anymore – you’re the message!” (1 Thessalonians 1:8 MSG) God’s MessengerWhen you […]

The Emerging Church

by Steve

[youtube=]  The future of the church is really in flux these days. What has been is changing rapidly and what tomorrow will bring nobody knows! The church must be ready to respond to the changing times with the Gospel which is true no matter what age, but in the language of the culture it finds […]

Are you an Addict?

by Steve

I’m an addict. No, I don’t have a sexual addiction and I’m not addicted to alcohol, illegal drugs, or prescription medicine. And I’m not going to deliver a clever punch line, like: “I’m addicted to studying the Bible or prayer.” Truth is, many of us are addicted. Some addictions are frowned upon and therefore hidden […]

Death by Ministry

by Steve

At a recent Conference in Seattle, Pastor Darrin Patrick from The Journey in Saint Louis spoke frankly of the burden that pastoral ministry is. I have pushed myself to the edge and over the edge of burnout many times throughout my years in ministry. As a leader I commonly set the pace of ministry for […]

The Third Communication Reformation

by Steve

Some suggest that the church is going through the third major reformation of communication. The first style of communication was certainly oral tradition handed down from the patriarchs to the children over generations. The beliefs and values of the previous generation were passed to the next by example and by stories. Johannes Gutenberg changed life […]

Another World

by Steve

By its very nature, the Christian life is a call to discover our true home. This suppose, of course, that all this stuff is not. I like the quote by CS Lewis “If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made […]

Exceptional Church Websites

by Steve Related posts: The Future Church, Part 1 15 Signs that your church lacks Vision Top Websites The Emerging Church

Making Church Relevant

by Steve

We’ve all heard those grumblings in the pews about the use of technology and whether it is more of a distraction in the sanctuary of God or a welcomed aid to worshippers trying to communicate in a new language. Regardless of how you feel about technology in worship, the facts speak for themselves. Churches continue […]


by Steve

Not everything is as it may appear. If you were feeling insecure about how you look, trying to have the perfect body type, or living up to the expectation of others, then this is a must see!!  The following video is really a must see for all youth who struggle with their image. Please let […]

What to ask about your problems

by Steve

If you’re facing a difficult problem, maybe you should consider the following questions. They’ll help you get to the solution side. 1. Is this a problem – or is it a fact of life? You can do something about problems. You can’t do anything about facts of life. If you can’t change it, you don’t […]

Sharing Your Story

by Steve

“Those who believe in the Son of God have the testimony of God in them.” (1 John 5:10a GW) “Your lives are echoing the Master’s Word …. The news of your faith in God is out. We don’t even have to say anything anymore — you’re the message!” (1 Thessalonians 1:8 MSG) God has given […]

Is Evangelism Important?

by Steve

I saw this and just had to share it with you. I hope you are as moved by its message and portrayal of the reality of life as I was. I hope and pray that we’re not just playing church but that we are offering Extravagant Grace to all who need hope. Enjoy [youtube=] Related posts: […]

Our Rating

by Steve

You may be interested to know that this blog has now been rated for content and been awarded the following rating!    This rating is based solely on language and content, not on our passion and purpose. Do you think it would change if it were? Related posts: Let’s Go Missional 2010 Family Christmas Letter […]

Are we the Body?

by Steve

Are we really part of the Body of Christ? Or have we simply become librarians of the faith waiting patiently behind the Reference Desk for visitors to ask for the help we know they need. What does it mean to you to be part of the Body of Christ? Who is wise and understanding among you? […]

Just how far?

by Steve

I’ve heard this song a number of times on the radio and really love the message from Casting Crowns. I hope you enjoy it and that it brings a measure of peace to your life.  I want you to listen to it and then share with me what comes to your mind.  Have you ever […]

In the Beginning…

by Steve

Isn’t technology wonderful? It allows us to do so much more than we could ever have dream of before. We can touch so many more lives than we ever could before, some we will never meet and some may even live on the other side of the globe. But like every change that has come before, some […]